Ride Terms and Conditions

Last update: 17th October 2022

Syarat dan Ketentuan Pengemudi AirAsia (Indonesia)

Perjanjian Layanan Pengemudi AirAsia Ride ini akan mengatur hubungan antara PT AirAsia MOVE Indonesia (“AirAsia Ride, Kami, kami”) dan Pengemudi, yang harus dibaca bersama dan secara bersama-sama merupakan perjanjian yang mengikat secara hukum (“Perjanjian”) antara Para Pihak.

AirAsia Ride adalah pemilik dan operator dari aplikasi e-hailing AirAsia Ride (“Aplikasi”) yang tersedia di aplikasi mobile airasia.com (“Platform”) untuk memudahkan pengguna yang mencari layanan transportasi (“Penumpang”) untuk tujuan tertentu untuk dicocokkan dengan penyedia transportasi independen pihak ketiga (“Pengemudi, Anda, anda”) untuk tarif tertentu (“Layanan”).

Dengan mengklik tombol Terima & Setuju di Formulir Pendaftaran Pengemudi, Anda setuju bahwa Anda telah membaca, memahami, menerima dan menyetujui syarat dan ketentuan ini.

1. Ketentuan

Perjanjian ini akan dimulai pada tanggal pendaftaran Anda sebagai Pengemudi dikonfirmasi oleh AirAsia Ride (“Tanggal Efektif”) dan akan berlanjut tanpa batas waktu kecuali diakhiri sesuai dengan Klausul 9 di bawah dalam Perjanjian ini.

2. Pemberian Hak

Sejak Tanggal Efektif dan sebagai imbalan atas remunerasi, kami dengan ini memberi Anda lisensi terbatas yang dapat dibatalkan, tidak eksklusif, tidak dapat dipindahtangankan, untuk menggunakan dan mengakses Aplikasi untuk memungkinkan Anda melakukan Layanan dengan tunduk pada syarat dan ketentuan Perjanjian ini. Anda juga harus mematuhi dan mematuhi Ketentuan Penggunaan Aplikasi setiap saat, yang dapat berubah dari waktu ke waktu. Anda disarankan untuk terus memperbarui diri dengan versi terbaru dari Ketentuan Penggunaan.

3. Kewajiban Pengemudi

3.1 Selama Jangka Waktu Perjanjian ini, Anda melakukan itu;

  1. Anda memiliki Surat Izin Mengemudi yang masih berlaku dan memiliki Kartu Elektronik Standar Pelayanan (KEP) untuk setiap kendaraan yang didaftarkan dan akan digunakan untuk Pelayanan.
  2. Kendaraan yang ingin Anda gunakan saat melakukan Layanan (“Kendaraan”), dalam kondisi pengoperasian yang baik dan memenuhi standar keselamatan industri pada umumnya dan standar perjalanan airasia secara khusus untuk Kendaraan dari jenisnya;
  3. Anda akan secara ketat mematuhi dan mematuhi standar keselamatan jalan, sebagaimana diberlakukan oleh undang-undang yang berlaku;
  4. Anda harus memiliki polis asuransi yang diperlukan yang disyaratkan berdasarkan undang-undang yang berlaku untuk pertanggungan tanggung jawab pihak ketiga dan publik untuk Kendaraan dan untuk menutupi kerugian yang diantisipasi yang timbul sebagai akibat dari pelaksanaan Layanan;
  5. Anda harus melaksanakan kinerja Layanan sesuai dan dengan cara sebagaimana diatur dalam Jadwal A - Kode Etik
  6. Anda setuju untuk membantu kami dengan penyelidikan internal atau eksternal yang mungkin diperlukan oleh kami dalam mematuhi hukum atau peraturan yang berlaku;
  7. Anda tidak boleh, kapan pun setelah menerima Pemesanan, secara tidak wajar membatalkan pelaksanaan Layanan untuk pemesanan tersebut.

4. Pembayaran

Ketentuan Pembayaran untuk Pengemudi

4.1 Biaya yang Anda bayarkan kepada kami untuk penyelesaian setiap Layanan akan segera jatuh tempo dan tidak dapat dikembalikan ("Komisi"). Komisi adalah persentase dari biaya yang dibebankan kepada penumpang, sebagaimana ditentukan oleh kami dari waktu ke waktu.

4.2 Kebijakan tanpa pengembalian dana ini akan berlaku setiap saat terlepas dari keputusan Anda untuk mengakhiri Perjanjian ini, keputusan kami untuk menghentikan atau menangguhkan akses Anda ke Aplikasi, gangguan yang disebabkan oleh Layanan baik yang direncanakan, tidak disengaja atau disengaja, atau alasan apa pun.

4.3 Anda mengakui dan mengonfirmasi bahwa kami dapat menagih atas nama Anda total yang terutang kepada Anda untuk metode pembayaran tertentu yang dipilih oleh Penumpang. Kami berhak untuk menangguhkan pemrosesan transaksi apa pun yang kami yakini secara wajar bahwa transaksi tersebut mungkin penipuan, ilegal, atau melibatkan aktivitas kriminal apa pun atau jika Anda dan/atau Penumpang telah melanggar salah satu persyaratan dalam Perjanjian ini. Dalam hal demikian, Anda tidak akan meminta pertanggungjawaban kami atas pemotongan, penundaan, penangguhan, penyitaan, atau pembatalan, pembayaran apa pun kepada Anda.

4.4 Kami dapat, atas kebijakannya sendiri, membuat penawaran promosi dengan fitur yang berbeda dan tarif yang berbeda pada Layanan kepada salah satu Penumpang dimana penawaran promosi ini akan dihormati oleh Anda. Kami dapat mengubah tarif Komisi setiap saat atas kebijakan kami sendiri.

Dompet Tunai Pengemudi

4.5 AirAsia Ride akan mengelola pembayaran kepada Anda dan dari Anda melalui sistem dompet (“Dompet Kas Pengemudi”). Penghasilan Anda akan ditampilkan di Dompet Tunai Pengemudi di Aplikasi dan dapat ditarik oleh Anda ke rekening bank yang Anda tentukan. AirAsia Ride berhak untuk melakukan pemotongan tersebut dari Dompet Tunai Pengemudi sebagaimana diatur dalam syarat dan ketentuan ini, sebagaimana diizinkan oleh Anda, atau sebagaimana diberitahukan kepada Anda melalui Aplikasi.

Dompet Kredit Pengemudi

4.6 Selain Dompet Tunai Pengemudi Anda, Anda juga harus memiliki Dompet Kredit Pengemudi bersama kami. Kredit toko Dompet Kredit Pengemudi terdiri dari pembayaran di muka kepada kami oleh Anda dari Komisi dan biaya dan biaya lain yang berlaku dan harus dibayar oleh Anda kepada kami. Anda harus selalu menjaga saldo kredit minimum (“Saldo Minimum”) di Saldo Kredit Pengemudi Anda agar Anda dapat menggunakan Layanan. Jumlah Saldo Minimum tersebut akan ditentukan oleh kami, dan akan diberitahukan kepada Anda melalui Aplikasi. Itu dapat diubah kapan saja atas kebijakan kami sendiri.

4.7 Anda dapat menambahkan dana (“Kredit”) ke Dompet Kredit Pengemudi Anda untuk memenuhi persyaratan Saldo Minimum. Saldo minimum dan maksimum yang dapat Anda simpan di Dompet Kredit Pengemudi setiap saat akan ditentukan oleh kami dan akan diberitahukan kepada Anda melalui Aplikasi yang dapat diubah setiap saat atas kebijakan kami sendiri. Saldo dapat ditambahkan dengan cara apa pun yang ditentukan oleh kami dari waktu ke waktu (seperti isi ulang tunai, e-wallet dan pembayaran kartu kredit/debit atau transfer dari Dompet Tunai Pengemudi Anda).

4.8 Kredit tidak dapat ditukarkan dengan uang tunai dan tidak dapat dikembalikan. Mereka tidak dapat dijual kembali, ditukar atau ditransfer untuk nilai dalam keadaan apapun. Kredit tidak akan dianggap, ditafsirkan, atau digunakan sebagai instrumen yang berharga atau dapat ditukar dalam keadaan apa pun. Anda tidak akan menerima bunga atau penghasilan lain dari Kredit Anda. Kami mungkin menerima bunga atas jumlah yang kami pegang atas nama Anda. Anda setuju untuk memberikan hak Anda kepada kami untuk setiap bunga yang berasal dari Kredit Anda.

4.9 Kredit di Dompet Kredit Pengemudi akan kedaluwarsa satu (1) tahun sejak tanggal pengisian terakhir Anda. Jika harus ada saldo setelah berakhirnya Kredit, saldo tidak akan dikembalikan. Untuk menghindari terjadinya penyitaan kredit, kami menyarankan Anda untuk melakukan top up satu kali sebelum berakhirnya kredit untuk total kredit yang akan diperpanjang untuk satu (1) tahun lagi.

5. Pajak

Anda bertanggung jawab untuk membayar pajak dan kontribusi hukum yang harus dibayar sehubungan dengan jumlah yang harus dibayarkan kepada Anda berdasarkan atau sehubungan dengan Perjanjian ini. Anda juga mengakui dan setuju bahwa Komisi sudah termasuk semua dan setiap pajak penjualan dan jasa yang berlaku, pajak barang dan jasa, pajak pertambahan nilai, pemotongan pajak dan/atau pajak serupa lainnya, yang berlaku dan dikenakan sesuai dengan hukum setempat di Indonesia (Jika ada & jika berlaku).

6. Pembatalan

Penumpang mengandalkan Anda untuk pengiriman atau penyediaan Layanan. Anda setuju bahwa tingkat pembatalan yang tinggi dan/atau sering atau mengabaikan pemesanan Penumpang akan merusak pengalaman Penumpang dan berdampak negatif pada reputasi dan branding AirAsia Ride. Jika Anda ditemukan telah melanggar subklausul ini, kami berhak untuk mengambil tindakan yang sesuai terhadap Anda termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada membatasi Layanan Anda.

7. Pengembalian Dana untuk Dompet Kredit Pengemudi

7.1 Pengajuan pengembalian dana harus dilakukan ke layanan chat Driver Support AirAsia Ride dan tim kami akan menghubungi Anda untuk penyelidikan guna mendapatkan persetujuan.

7.2 Setelah pengembalian dana disetujui, kami akan mengembalikan biaya yang salah dibebankan ke Dompet Kredit Pengemudi Anda.

Pengembalian dana akan diproses dalam waktu tiga (3) hari kerja.

8. Insentif untuk Pengemudi

Atas kebijakan kami sendiri, Anda dapat dipilih sebagai bagian dari program insentif AirAsia Ride Driver. Program insentif akan dikomunikasikan kepada Anda melalui Aplikasi dan setiap syarat dan ketentuan yang berlaku akan dikomunikasikan dan tersedia untuk Anda melalui fungsi pesan dalam aplikasi dari Aplikasi.

9. Penangguhan dan Penghentian

9.1 Anda setuju dan mengakui dan menerima bahwa kegagalan untuk mematuhi Ketentuan Penggunaan dapat mengakibatkan penangguhan pemberian hak ini.

9.2 Anda setuju bahwa kami dapat melakukan salah satu hal berikut, kapan saja, tanpa pemberitahuan:

  1. untuk mengubah, menangguhkan, atau menghentikan pengoperasian atau akses ke Aplikasi, atau bagian mana pun dari Aplikasi (termasuk akses ke Akun Anda dan/atau ketersediaan produk atau layanan apa pun), untuk alasan apa pun;
  2. untuk memodifikasi atau mengubah kebijakan atau ketentuan yang berlaku; dan
  3. untuk menghentikan pengoperasian Aplikasi atau bagian mana pun dari Aplikasi (termasuk akses ke Akun Anda dan/atau ketersediaan produk atau layanan apa pun), sebagaimana diperlukan untuk melakukan pemeliharaan rutin atau non-rutin, koreksi kesalahan, atau perubahan. Kami tidak akan diminta untuk memberikan kompensasi kepada Anda atas penangguhan atau penghentian apa pun.

9.3 Kami berhak untuk segera mengakhiri Perjanjian ini jika Anda melanggar Klausul 10 Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual, Klausul 11 ​​Kerahasiaan dan Klausul 13 Pernyataan, Jaminan dan Komitmen Pengemudi.

9.4 Kami dapat mengakhiri Perjanjian ini:

dalam hal, Anda melanggar kewajiban Anda berdasarkan Klausul 3, Kode Etik dan/atau Ketentuan Penggunaan dan telah gagal untuk memperbaiki pelanggaran tersebut, jika dapat diperbaiki, dalam waktu tujuh (7) hari (kecuali dinyatakan lain dalam Perjanjian ini ), atau periode perpanjangan lainnya sebagaimana disepakati antara Para Pihak setelah menerima pemberitahuan dari kami yang meminta untuk memperbaiki pelanggaran tersebut; dan dengan pemberitahuan tertulis dengan jangka waktu pemberitahuan 30 hari tanpa perlu menyebutkan alasannya.

10. Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual

AirAsia Ride dan pemberi lisensinya, jika berlaku, akan memiliki semua hak, kepemilikan, dan kepentingan, termasuk semua hak kekayaan intelektual terkait, di dalam dan pada Aplikasi dan dengan perluasan, Layanan dan setiap saran, ide, permintaan peningkatan, umpan balik, rekomendasi, atau lainnya informasi yang diberikan oleh Anda atau pihak lain yang berkaitan dengan Layanan. Syarat dan ketentuan ini bukan merupakan perjanjian penjualan dan tidak menyampaikan kepada Anda hak kepemilikan apa pun dalam atau terkait dengan Layanan dan/atau Aplikasi, atau hak kekayaan intelektual apa pun yang dimiliki AirAsia Ride dan/atau pemberi lisensinya. Nama AirAsia Ride, logo AirAsia Ride, Layanan dan/atau Aplikasi dan logo penyedia transportasi pihak ketiga serta nama produk yang terkait dengan Aplikasi adalah merek dagang dari AirAsia Ride atau pihak ketiga, dan tidak ada hak atau lisensi yang diberikan untuk menggunakannya . Untuk menghindari keraguan, istilah Aplikasi di sini harus mencakup komponen, proses, dan desainnya masing-masing secara keseluruhan.

11. Kerahasiaan

Anda harus menjaga kerahasiaan semua informasi dan data yang berkaitan dengan AirAsia Ride, layanannya, produk, urusan bisnis, rencana pemasaran dan promosi atau operasi lain dan perusahaan terkait yang diungkapkan kepada Anda oleh atau atas nama AirAsia Ride (baik secara lisan atau dalam tertulis dan baik sebelum, pada atau setelah tanggal Perjanjian ini) atau yang dengan cara lain diperoleh secara langsung atau tidak langsung oleh Anda dari AirAsia Ride, atau perusahaan afiliasinya, atau dibuat selama Perjanjian ini. Anda selanjutnya harus memastikan bahwa Anda hanya menggunakan informasi rahasia tersebut untuk menggunakan Layanan, dan tidak boleh tanpa persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya dari AirAsia Ride, mengungkapkan informasi tersebut kepada pihak ketiga mana pun atau menggunakannya untuk tujuan lain apa pun.

12. Kebijakan Privasi Data dan Perlindungan Data Pribadi

AirAsia Ride mengumpulkan dan memproses Data Pribadi Anda dan Anda menyetujui dan menyetujui AirAsia Ride, anak perusahaannya, penerima hak yang sebenarnya, calon penerima hak, penerima pengalihan, pengakuisisi, sehubungan dengan rencana restrukturisasi perusahaan untuk mengalihkan bisnis, aset atau kewajibannya dan setiap perusahaan afiliasi untuk mengumpulkan, menggunakan, memproses, dan mengungkapkan Data Pribadi Anda dengan cara yang dianggap tepat dan perlu oleh AirAsia Ride.

13. Pernyataan, Jaminan dan Komitmen Pengemudi

Selama Jangka Waktu Perjanjian ini, Anda menyatakan, menjamin, dan berjanji bahwa:

  1. Anda memiliki kapasitas hukum untuk menandatangani Perjanjian dan bahwa Anda setidaknya berusia delapan belas (18) tahun;
  2. semua informasi yang Anda berikan adalah benar dan akurat;
  3. saat melakukan Layanan, Anda setuju untuk mematuhi semua undang-undang yang berlaku untuk Anda dan/atau kinerja Layanan Anda;
  4. Anda memiliki, atau memiliki hak dan wewenang hukum untuk mengoperasikan, Kendaraan yang ingin Anda gunakan saat melakukan Layanan;
  5. Anda memiliki semua lisensi, persetujuan, dan wewenang yang sesuai untuk menyediakan Layanan;
  6. Anda harus mematuhi semua hukum setempat yang terkait dengan pengoperasian layanan e-hailing dan akan bertanggung jawab penuh atas segala pelanggaran hukum setempat tersebut; dan
  7. Anda menyadari bahwa saat menanggapi Penumpang, fungsi pesan dalam aplikasi akan tersedia. Jika Anda memilih untuk berkomunikasi sebaliknya, biaya telekomunikasi standar mungkin berlaku yang sepenuhnya ditanggung oleh Anda.

14. Ganti Rugi

Selama Jangka Waktu Perjanjian ini, Anda setuju bahwa Anda akan mengganti kerugian dan membebaskan AirAsia Ride, pemberi lisensinya, dan afiliasi, pejabat, direktur, anggota, karyawan, pengacara, dan agen masing-masing pihak tersebut dari dan terhadap setiap dan semua klaim, biaya, kerusakan, kerugian, kewajiban dan pengeluaran (termasuk biaya dan biaya pengacara dan/atau tindakan pengaturan) yang timbul dari atau sehubungan dengan:

(a) kinerja Layanan Anda dan segala pelanggaran dan pelanggaran terhadap Kode Etik; atau

(b) pelanggaran Anda terhadap salah satu syarat dan ketentuan Perjanjian ini dan Syarat Penggunaan Aplikasi; dan

(c) setiap tindakan atau kelalaian, kelalaian atau kesalahan yang disengaja yang mengakibatkan cedera pribadi, kematian atau kerusakan properti.

15. Penafian Jaminan

Aplikasi, kontennya, dan layanan terkait apa pun disediakan untuk Anda atas dasar "sebagaimana adanya". AirAsia Ride tidak membuat pernyataan atau jaminan dalam bentuk apa pun, tersurat maupun tersirat, sehubungan dengan Aplikasi, Platform, Layanan, syarat dan ketentuan ini, konten, atau layanan terkait apa pun. Meskipun kami melakukan upaya yang wajar untuk menjaga agar Aplikasi tetap mutakhir, kami tidak membuat pernyataan, jaminan, atau jaminan, baik tersurat maupun tersirat, bahwa informasi tersebut akurat, lengkap, atau mutakhir. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian langsung, tidak langsung atau konsekuensi yang timbul dari modifikasi atau amandemen Aplikasi, Platform, Layanan, atau syarat dan ketentuan.

16. Penundaan Internet

Platform, aplikasi dan/atau perangkat lunak terkait yang digunakan untuk memelihara dan mengoperasikan platform dan/atau aplikasi dapat mengalami pembatasan, penundaan, dan masalah lain yang melekat dalam penggunaan internet dan komunikasi elektronik termasuk perangkat yang Anda gunakan rusak , tidak terhubung, di luar jangkauan, dimatikan atau tidak berfungsi. AirAsia Ride tidak bertanggung jawab atas keterlambatan, kegagalan pengiriman, kerusakan atau kerugian akibat masalah tersebut.

17. Batasan Tanggung Jawab

Anda bertanggung jawab penuh setiap dan semua, penilaian dan kewajiban yang timbul dari kecelakaan, kehilangan atau kerusakan termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, cedera pribadi, kematian, kerugian total dan kerusakan properti yang disebabkan atau diduga sebagai akibat dari kinerja Layanan oleh Anda.

18. Tugas

Syarat dan Ketentuan ini sebagaimana diubah dari waktu ke waktu tidak akan diberikan oleh Anda setiap saat. Namun, kami berhak untuk menetapkan tanpa persetujuan Anda dengan tunduk pada pemberitahuan yang akan diberikan oleh kami. Setiap penugasan yang diklaim oleh Anda yang melanggar bagian ini akan dibatalkan.

19. Hubungan

antara Anda dan kami akan bersifat kontraktor independen. Tidak ada yang terkandung dalam syarat dan ketentuan ini yang dapat menciptakan penciptaan agensi, kemitraan, atau bentuk lain dari perusahaan patungan dengan kami.

20. Keterpisahan

Jika ada ketentuan dari syarat dan ketentuan yang dianggap tidak sah atau tidak dapat dilaksanakan, legalitas, validitas, dan keberlakuan ketentuan lainnya tidak akan mempengaruhi atau terganggu.

21. Tidak Ada Pengabaian

Kegagalan AirAsia Ride untuk 'hak atau ketentuan apa pun dalam syarat dan ketentuan bukan merupakan pengesampingan hak atau ketentuan tersebut.

22. Seluruh Perjanjian

Perjanjian ini terdiri dari seluruh perjanjian antara Anda dan kami dan negosiasi atau diskusi pada saat yang bersamaan.

Jadwal A


  1. Anda tidak akan menggunakan Aplikasi untuk menyebabkan gangguan atau berperilaku dengan cara yang tidak pantas atau tidak sopan terhadap kami, afiliasi kami, atau pihak ketiga mana pun
  2. Anda tidak boleh menghubungi Penumpang untuk tujuan selain sehubungan dengan Layanan;
  3. Anda harus memastikan bahwa kendaraan harus dirawat dalam kondisi baik dan pemeriksaan rutin harus dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa kendaraan tersebut aman, layak jalan dan sesuai untuk tujuan penggunaannya;
  4. Anda harus mematuhi semua undang-undang dan peraturan lalu lintas yang diberlakukan oleh otoritas terkait dari waktu ke waktu;
  5. Anda hanya boleh menggunakan kendaraan yang telah Anda daftarkan dalam Aplikasi dan tidak boleh menggunakan kendaraan lain. Jika Anda diminta untuk menggunakan kendaraan lain untuk akun yang sama, silakan hubungi layanan chat AirAsia untuk melakukan perubahan informasi yang diperlukan.
  6. Anda dilarang mengonsumsi alkohol, obat-obatan, dan/atau zat ilegal apa pun sebelum atau selama perjalanan;
  7. Anda disarankan untuk menjaga decorum dan berpakaian yang tepat sebagaimana diatur oleh Airasia Ride dan/ atau otoritas setempat;
  8. Anda tidak boleh terlibat dalam mengemudi sembrono yang dapat menimbulkan risiko atau ancaman bagi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan Penumpang;
  9. Anda harus memberikan bantuan kepada Penumpang terutama kepada mereka yang kurang mampu;
  10. Anda harus berkomunikasi dengan Penumpang dengan cara yang sopan dan tidak kasar. Setiap kata-kata vulgar atau sindiran seksual sangat dilarang;
  11. Segala bentuk pelanggaran atau pelecehan seksual sangat dilarang. Airasia Ride dapat mengajukan laporan polisi terhadap Anda atas kesalahan apa pun yang dapat dianggap bersifat kriminal;
  12. Segala bentuk komunikasi dengan Penumpang yang bersifat pribadi dan tidak beralasan sangat dilarang;
  13. Anda harus menghormati jika Penumpang menolak untuk berkomunikasi dan harus menghormati keputusan mereka dan menghindari membuat mereka tidak nyaman;
  14. Anda harus selalu memeriksa dengan Penumpang jika mereka telah meninggalkan barang atau barang pribadi apa pun. Setiap barang yang ditemukan harus diberitahukan dan/atau dikembalikan kepada Penumpang atau ke AirAsia Ride;
  15. Anda tidak boleh terlibat dalam transfer pekerjaan dan setiap penugasan pekerjaan yang diterima akan dihormati dan diselesaikan oleh Anda;
  16. Anda tidak boleh mempraktekkan segala bentuk diskriminasi terhadap berbagai agama, ras, seksualitas, dan terhadap penyandang cacat;
  17. Penumpang yang mengenakan biaya berlebihan harus dianggap serius. Tarif akan ditentukan oleh tarif yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya oleh AirAsia Ride. Anda tidak diperbolehkan membebankan biaya tambahan kepada Penumpang Anda kecuali dinyatakan lain oleh Airasia Ride melalui Platformnya;
  18. Anda harus memastikan bahwa masker wajah harus dikenakan setiap saat bagi Pengemudi dan Penumpang untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19;.
  19. Jumlah Penumpang yang diperbolehkan di dalam kendaraan harus sesuai dengan Prosedur Operasi Standar (SOP)/peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh otoritas pengatur terkait;
  20. Anda harus memastikan bahwa kendaraan disanitasi dari waktu ke waktu dan Penumpang menggunakan pembersih tangan saat menaiki kendaraan;
  21. kamu Dalam keadaan darurat, Anda harus menghubungi pihak berwenang terlebih dahulu. Setelah semua pihak aman dan pihak berwenang telah dihubungi, Anda dapat melaporkan kejadian tersebut kepada kami. Untuk menghindari keraguan, ada fitur "SOS" yang tersedia di

Ketentuan Penggunaan Pengemudi (Indonesia)

Halaman ini menetapkan syarat dan ketentuan (“Ketentuan Penggunaan”) untuk menggunakan aplikasi e-hailing AirAsia Ride (“Aplikasi”). Aplikasi dimiliki dan dioperasikan oleh Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd) dan/atau anak perusahaannya, termasuk namun terbatas pada PT AirAsia MOVE Indonesia (PT) dengan tujuan memungkinkan pengguna yang mencari layanan transportasi (“Penumpang”) ke tujuan tertentu untuk dicocokkan dengan penyedia transportasi independen pihak ketiga (“Pengemudi, Anda, Anda”) untuk tarif tertentu (“Layanan”).


  1. Anda hanya akan menggunakan Aplikasi untuk menjalankan Layanan untuk tujuan yang dimaksudkan dan sah menurut hukum;
  2. Anda akan menyimpan kata sandi akun Anda atau identifikasi apa pun yang kami berikan kepada Anda yang memungkinkan akses ke Aplikasi dengan aman dan rahasia;
  3. Anda setuju untuk segera memberi tahu kami tentang penggunaan akun Anda yang tidak sah atau pelanggaran keamanan lainnya;
  4. Anda tidak akan mencoba mengganggu atau merusak Aplikasi dengan cara apa pun;
  5. Anda tidak akan mencoba untuk mengeksploitasi secara komersial bagian mana pun dari Aplikasi tanpa izin kami, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada memodifikasi konten Aplikasi dengan cara apa pun, atau menyalin, mereproduksi, menampilkan secara publik, mendistribusikan atau menggunakan atau mengomunikasikannya untuk tujuan publik atau komersial apa pun tanpa izin kami;
  6. Anda tidak akan mengizinkan orang lain untuk menggunakan identitas atau status pengguna Anda, dan Anda tidak boleh menetapkan atau mentransfer akun pengguna Anda ke orang atau entitas lain mana pun;
  7. Anda akan memberi kami bukti identitas apa pun atau dokumen, izin, lisensi, atau persetujuan lain yang mungkin kami minta atau minta secara wajar;
  8. Anda tidak akan menggunakan Aplikasi untuk mengirim atau menyimpan materi yang melanggar hukum atau untuk tujuan penipuan;
  9. Anda tidak akan menyalin, atau mendistribusikan konten Perangkat Lunak Aplikasi atau konten lainnya tanpa izin tertulis dari AirAsia Ride;
  10. Anda akan memberikan informasi yang akurat, terkini, dan lengkap sebagaimana diperlukan untuk Layanan dan bertanggung jawab untuk memelihara dan memperbarui informasi Anda secara tepat waktu agar tetap akurat, terkini, dan lengkap setiap saat selama jangka waktu Perjanjian. Anda setuju bahwa kami dapat mengandalkan informasi Anda sebagai akurat, terkini, dan lengkap. Anda mengakui bahwa jika informasi Anda tidak benar, tidak akurat, tidak terkini atau tidak lengkap dalam hal apa pun, kami memiliki hak tetapi tidak berkewajiban untuk mengakhiri Perjanjian ini kapan saja dengan atau tanpa pemberitahuan;
  11. Anda hanya akan menggunakan titik akses atau akun data yang diizinkan untuk Anda gunakan;
  12. Anda setuju bahwa penggunaan Aplikasi oleh Anda akan tunduk pada Pernyataan Privasi kami;
  13. Anda tidak akan menggunakan perangkat atau aplikasi yang dimodifikasi dengan maksud menghindari deteksi atau memfasilitasi aktivitas apa pun yang dimaksudkan untuk menipu AirAsia Ride atau untuk mengganggu fungsi alami Aplikasi;
  14. Anda tidak boleh membalikkan pencarian, melacak, atau berusaha melacak informasi apa pun tentang Penumpang mana pun, atau pelanggan AirAsia Ride lainnya, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada akun pengguna apa pun yang tidak Anda miliki, ke sumbernya, atau mengeksploitasi Aplikasi atau layanan atau informasi apa pun yang disediakan atau ditawarkan oleh atau melalui Aplikasi, dengan cara apa pun di mana tujuannya adalah untuk mengungkapkan informasi apa pun, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada informasi identifikasi pribadi, selain informasi Anda sendiri, sebagaimana disediakan oleh Aplikasi;
  15. Selama pelaksanaan Layanan Anda, Anda mengakui bahwa AirAsia Ride dapat mengungkapkan Data Pribadi individu lain kepada Anda dan Anda berjanji bahwa Anda hanya akan menggunakan Data Pribadi tersebut untuk tujuan lain yang tidak terkait dengan kinerja Layanan;
  16. Pemberian lisensi dan Pembatasan
  17. Anda tidak boleh:

    1. melisensikan, mensublisensikan, menjual, mentransfer, menetapkan, mendistribusikan, atau mengeksploitasi secara komersial atau menyediakan Aplikasi kepada pihak ketiga mana pun dengan cara apa pun;
    2. memodifikasi atau membuat karya turunan berdasarkan Aplikasi;
    3. "mencerminkan" Aplikasi di server lain atau perangkat nirkabel atau berbasis internet;
    4. kecuali sejauh pembatasan tersebut dilarang berdasarkan hukum yang berlaku, membongkar, mendekompilasi, merekayasa balik, mendekripsi atau mencoba untuk mendapatkan dan mengkodekan atau mengekstrak perangkat lunak dari, Aplikasi ini atau perangkat lunak atau layanan apa pun yang tersedia pada atau melalui Aplikasi;
    5. menggunakan program atau skrip manual atau otomatis apa pun, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada laba-laba web, perayap web, robot web, semut web, pengindeks web, bot, virus atau worm, atau program apa pun yang dapat membuat beberapa permintaan server per detik,
    6. (a) untuk terlalu membebani atau menghambat operasi dan/atau pelaksanaan Aplikasi;

      (b) untuk melakukan kegiatan penambangan atau pengikisan data,

      atau (b) dengan cara apa pun mereproduksi atau menghindari struktur navigasi atau presentasi Aplikasi atau kontennya;

    7. memposting, mendistribusikan, atau mereproduksi dengan cara apa pun materi berhak cipta, merek dagang, atau informasi kepemilikan lainnya tanpa memperoleh persetujuan sebelumnya dari pemilik hak kepemilikan tersebut;
    8. menghapus pemberitahuan hak cipta, merek dagang, atau hak kepemilikan lainnya yang terkandung pada Aplikasi; atau
    9. menggunakan Aplikasi untuk:
      1. mengirim spam atau pesan duplikat atau tidak diminta;
      2. mengirim atau menyimpan materi yang melanggar, cabul, mengancam, memfitnah, atau melanggar hukum atau menyiksa, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada materi yang berbahaya bagi anak-anak atau melanggar hak privasi pihak ketiga;
      3. mengirim materi yang mengandung virus perangkat lunak, worm, trojan horse, atau kode, file, skrip, agen, atau program komputer berbahaya lainnya; (d) mengganggu atau mengganggu integritas atau kinerja Aplikasi atau data yang terkandung di dalamnya;
      4. mencoba untuk mendapatkan akses tidak sah ke Aplikasi atau perangkat lunak, sistem, atau jaringan terkaitnya;
      5. menyamar sebagai orang atau entitas mana pun atau dengan cara lain salah menggambarkan afiliasi Anda dengan seseorang atau entitas; atau
      6. terlibat dalam perilaku apa pun yang mungkin dapat merusak reputasi kita atau dianggap tidak bereputasi buruk.
    10. Anda setuju dan mengakui dan menerima bahwa kegagalan untuk mematuhi Ketentuan Penggunaan dapat mengakibatkan penangguhan pemberian hak ini.
    11. Aplikasi ini diatur oleh hukum Indonesia dan jika ada perselisihan yang timbul dari penggunaan Aplikasi ini, Anda selanjutnya setuju untuk tunduk pada yurisdiksi eksklusif pengadilan Indonesia.

Last update: 24 August 2022

Syarat dan Ketentuan Penumpang AirAsia Ride (Indonesia)

Syarat dan ketentuan ini (“Syarat dan Ketentuan”) mengatur pemesanan perjalanan yang dilakukan melalui aplikasi AirAsia Ride (“Pesan Perjalanan, Pesanan Perjalanan”) dan pelaksanaan perjalanan ke tujuan yang dipilih oleh Pengemudi (yang didefinisikan dibawah) (“Layanan”) dan akan menjadi dokumen yang mengikat secara hukum antara Anda dan PT AirAsia MOVE Indonesia (“AirAsia Ride, us, our, we”).

Dengan Memesan Perjalanan dan menggunakan Layanan, Anda dianggap telah membaca, memahami, dan secara tegas setuju untuk terikat dengan Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, yang dapat diubah, dimodifikasi, ditambahkan, dihapus, dan diperbaiki setiap saat. Oleh karena itu, kami menyarankan Anda untuk meninjau Syarat dan Ketentuan ini secara berkala untuk mengetahui perubahan tersebut. Selanjutnya, Anda setuju dan menerima bahwa Syarat dan Ketentuan yang diperbarui akan menggantikan semua versi sebelumnya dari Syarat dan Ketentuan secara otomatis setelah ditampilkan di Aplikasi kami dan/atau situs web airasia.com, tanpa perlu adanya tindakan lebih lanjut oleh kami dan bahwa Anda akan terikat dengan ketentuan versi terbaru dari Syarat dan Ketentuan yang terdapat pada Aplikasi dan/atau situs web airasia.com.

Selain Syarat dan Ketentuan ini, Anda juga terikat oleh Syarat Penggunaan, dan Pernyataan Privasi AirAsia, yang dapat diubah dan direvisi dari waktu ke waktu.

Anda mengakui bahwa Aplikasi AirAsia Ride hanyalah platform bagi Anda untuk melakukan Pesanan Perjalanan (“Aplikasi”) dengan driver yang tersedia. Selanjutnya, Anda setuju bahwa Layanan akan dilakukan oleh pengemudi yang merupakan pihak ketiga yang independen dan bukan karyawan AirAsia Ride (“Pengemudi”).

Pesanan Perjalanan

  1. Untuk membuat Pesanan Perjalanan, Anda harus memiliki kapasitas hukum untuk terikat oleh Syarat dan Ketentuan ini dan bahwa Anda setidaknya berusia delapan belas (18) tahun. Ketika dan apabila diminta, Anda harus memberikan kepada kami dokumen identifikasi pribadi Anda untuk tujuan keamanan dan verifikasi identitas.
  2. Untuk membuat Pesanan Perjalanan, Anda harus terdaftar sebagai anggota AirAsia dan masuk ke akun keanggotaan AirAsia anda. Anda dapat mendaftar menjadi anggota AirAsia melalui link ini.
  3. Anda bertanggung jawab untuk memberikan semua informasi yang diperlukan dalam Aplikasi untuk tujuan penyediaan dan pemenuhan Layanan dan akan memperbarui informasi pribadi Anda di Aplikasi dari waktu ke waktu untuk memastikan bahwa itu akurat dan terkini.
  4. Ketika dan apabila diminta untuk melakukannya, Anda harus memberikan jumlah penumpang yang sebenarnya saat Anda Memesan Perjalanan. Anda selanjutnya mengetahui dan menyetujui bahwa jika jumlah penumpang tidak benar atau tidak akurat, Pengemudi berhak untuk membatalkan pesanan Anda dan dapat membebankan Biaya Pembatalan sesuai dengan Kebijakan Pembatalan sebagaimana ditetapkan di bawah ini.
  5. Anda akan memiliki opsi untuk menyetujui dan mengizinkan akses Aplikasi ke penggunaan Sistem Pemosisian Global (GPS). Kami menyarankan Anda memberikan persetujuan Anda sehingga Aplikasi dapat menunjukkan lokasi secara akurat.
  6. Anda harus memilih lokasi penjemputan dan/atau pengantaran yang benar sebelum Anda mengonfirmasi untuk membuat Pesanan Perjalanan.
  7. Perubahan lokasi penjemputan dan/atau pengantaran tidak diperbolehkan. Mohon pastikan bahwa lokasi penjemputan dan/atau pengantaran Anda akurat sebelum membuat Pesanan Perjalanan. Jika Anda ingin mengubah lokasi penjemputan dan/atau pengantaran Anda, silakan batalkan Pesan Perjalanan yang ada, dan pesan perjalanan baru dengan lokasi yang akurat.
  8. Anda disarankan untuk mengonfirmasi Pesanan Perjalanan hanya saat Anda siap untuk bepergian. Jika Pengemudi telah menunggu lebih dari lima (5) menit, Pengemudi berhak untuk membatalkan pesanan Anda.
  9. Anda berhak untuk membatalkan Pesanan Perjalanan jika Anda melihat bahwa rincian kendaraan atau Pengemudi tidak sesuai dengan rincian yang ditampilkan di Aplikasi AirAsia Ride. Jika ada pembayaran yang dilakukan dalam keadaan seperti itu, Anda berhak atas pengembalian uang, jika Anda dapat memberikan bukti yang cukup tentang rincian yang salah.
  10. Jika Anda memiliki saldo terutang, Anda akan diminta untuk melunasi saldo sebelum Anda dapat melakukan pesanan lain. Jika kami menemukan bahwa Anda belum melunasi saldo terutang dan dengan sengaja membuat akun baru untuk melakukan pemesanan lain, kami berhak untuk menangguhkan salah satu akun Anda dan mengajukan permintaan


  1. Anda diwajibkan untuk melakukan pembayaran atas biaya-biaya yang timbul untuk penyediaan Layanan termasuk tol yang berlaku, pajak dan biaya atau beban lain yang harus dibayar.
  2. Anda dapat memilih metode pembayaran pada saat membuat Pesanan Perjalanan, yang dapat berupa uang tunai, Kartu, BigPoints (segera hadir), e-Wallet atau salah satu metode pembayaran otomatis yang tersedia di Aplikasi dari waktu demi waktu. Metode pembayaran apa pun yang telah dipilih tidak dapat diubah dan tidak dapat dibatalkan.
  3. Meskipun memilih uang tunai atau e-Wallet sebagai metode Pembayaran, Anda disarankan untuk mendaftarkan setidaknya satu metode pembayaran otomatis yang valid di Aplikasi sebelum membuat Pesanan Perjalanan. Metode pembayaran otomatis yakni dalam bentuk kartu kredit atau kartu debit (“Kartu”).
  4. Anda harus mendaftarkan Kartu yang valid milik Anda sesuai dengan petunjuk langkah demi langkah yang disediakan dalam Aplikasi. Dalam hal Kartu adalah milik orang lain, Anda dengan ini menjamin dan menyatakan bahwa Anda telah memperoleh izin dari orang tersebut untuk menggunakan Kartu untuk pembayaran Layanan. Anda setuju bahwa kami dapat memverifikasi dan mengautentikasi detail Kartu saat Anda pertama kali mendaftarkan Kartu di Aplikasi serta saat Anda Memesan Perjalanan.
  5. Jika Anda memilih BigPoints sebagai metode Pembayaran, Anda mengakui bahwa Anda akan tunduk pada syarat dan ketentuan PT Biglife Digital Indonesia, yang dapat ditemukan di sini.
  6. Jika fitur tip tersedia di Aplikasi, Anda dapat menentukan jumlah "tip" standar saat Anda membuat Pesanan Perjalanan. Ini akan secara otomatis termasuk dalam total pembayaran yang harus dibayar setelah Layanan diberikan, dan diberikan kepada Pengemudi.
  7. Kami dapat, atas kebijakan kami sendiri, membuat kode promosi yang dapat ditukarkan dengan pemesanan Layanan, dengan tunduk pada ketentuan tambahan yang ditetapkan AirAsia Ride berdasarkan kode promosi.
  8. Penumpang tidak boleh mengirimkan pembayaran tambahan apa pun kepada Pengemudi selain dari jumlah total yang harus dibayar yang tercermin dalam Aplikasi. Catatan AirAsia Ride akan menjadi sumber kebenaran dan kami tidak akan bertanggung jawab atas setiap perselisihan pembayaran yang melebihi jumlah total yang harus dibayarkan yang tercermin dalam Aplikasi.

Kebijakan Pembatalan

  1. Anda dapat membatalkan Pesanan Perjalanan Anda kapan saja sebelum adanya Pengemudi yang sudah ditugaskan untuk Anda.
  2. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk membatalkan Pesanan Perjalanan Anda atau tidak muncul di lokasi yang ditentukan di mana Pengemudi seharusnya menjemput Anda, Anda setuju bahwa Anda mungkin akan dikenakan biaya (“Biaya Pembatalan”) yang akan tercermin dalam Pesanan Perjalanan Anda berikutnya sebagaimana diatur dalam kebijakan pembatalan ini.
  3. Jika Anda merasa dikenakan Biaya Pembatalan secara tidak benar, Anda dapat menghubungi layanan chat AirAsia Ride yang tersedia di Aplikasi. AirAsia Ride memiliki kebijaksanaan mutlaknya untuk pengembalian uang kepada Anda.

Pengembalian Dana

  1. Jika Anda ingin mengajukan pengembalian dana, Anda dapat melakukannya sesuai dengan kebijakan pengembalian dana AirAsia Ride.
  2. Pengembalian dana untuk semua cara pembayaran;
    1. Pengajuan pengembalian dana harus dilakukan melalui layanan chat AirAsia Ride dan tim kami akan menghubungi Anda untuk penyelidikan guna mendapatkan persetujuan.
    2. Setelah pengembalian dana disetujui, kami akan memproses pengembalian dana tersebut ke rekening bank yang Anda tentukan atau rekening bank lain yang ditentukan sesuai dengan instruksi anda.

Hak dan Kewajiban

  1. Layanan ini dapat Anda peroleh untuk Anda sendiri atau untuk digunakan oleh orang lain dengan atau tanpa Anda. Jika Anda menyediakan Layanan untuk orang lain tanpa Anda, Anda harus memastikan bahwa orang tersebut harus telah mencapai usia minimum dua belas (12) tahun untuk menjadi penumpang tanpa pendamping (“Anak Bawah Umur Tanpa Pendamping”). Selanjutnya, Anda setuju bahwa Anda akan memikul tanggung jawab utama atas perilaku dan/atau tindakan orang tersebut termasuk Anak Bawah Umur Tanpa Pendamping selama penggunaan Layanan;
  2. Anda harus berperilaku yang baik dan tidak boleh mendiskriminasi atau melecehkan siapa pun atas dasar ras, asal kebangsaan, agama, jenis kelamin, identitas atau ekspresi gender, cacat fisik atau mental, kondisi medis, status perkawinan, usia atau seksual orientasi;
  3. Anda tidak boleh meminta Pengemudi Anda untuk mempercepat atau melakukan pelanggaran lalu lintas, termasuk mengantar dan/atau mengambil di lokasi yang ilegal atau tidak aman.
  4. Anda harus selalu mengenakan sabuk pengaman setiap saat selama penyediaan Layanan dan harus memastikan orang lain yang bepergian dengan atau tanpa Anda melakukan hal yang sama. Jika Anda bepergian dengan anak-anak atau bayi, Anda bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa langkah-langkah keamanan yang tepat sesuai dengan undang-undang yang berlaku akan dilakukan selama penyediaan Layanan.
  5. Anda harus mematuhi Prosedur Operasi Standar (“SOP”) yang ditetapkan oleh otoritas pengatur terkait, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada, jumlah penumpang yang diperbolehkan di dalam kendaraan dan mengenakan masker wajah. Pengemudi memiliki opsi untuk menolak Pesan Perjalanan Anda jika Anda tidak mengikuti SOP yang relevan.
  6. Anda dapat dikenakan sanksi oleh hukum atas segala upaya untuk merusak, menghancurkan, mencuri atau merampok kendaraan Pengemudi.
  7. Jika Anda mencurigai Pengemudi Anda berada di bawah pengaruh zat ilegal, Anda berhak untuk menghentikan Layanan dan melaporkan kepada pihak berwenang setempat dan/atau kami.
  8. Dalam keadaan darurat, Anda harus menghubungi pihak berwenang terlebih dahulu. Setelah semua pihak aman dan pihak berwenang telah dihubungi, Anda dapat melaporkan kejadian tersebut kepada kami. Untuk menghindari keraguan, ada fitur "SOS" yang tersedia di Aplikasi yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menghubungi pihak berwenang jika terjadi keadaan darurat.
  9. Anda berhak untuk membatalkan Pesanan Perjalanan Anda kapan saja sebelum dimulainya Layanan. Namun, pembatalan tersebut dapat dikenakan Biaya Pembatalan sebagaimana ditetapkan di atas.
  10. Anda harus memastikan bahwa masker wajah selalu dikenakan oleh Anda dan Pengemudi untuk mencegah infeksi dan penyebaran Covid-19.
  11. Anda bertanggung jawab atas barang-barang pribadi Anda sendiri. Kami tidak akan mengganti kerugian yang diderita karena kehilangan barang-barang pribadi.
  12. Anda tidak diperbolehkan untuk menghubungi Pengemudi Anda setelah Layanan selesai. Kecuali jika Anda yakin bahwa Anda telah kehilangan suatu barang, Anda dapat menghubungi Pengemudi Anda dan mengatur pengambilannya.
  13. Setelah menyelesaikan Layanan, Anda memiliki pilihan untuk menilai Pengemudi Anda dan memberikan penilaian.
  14. Jika Anda memiliki keluhan tentang masalah apa pun yang terjadi antara Anda dan Pengemudi Anda, harap hubungi kami sesegera mungkin, selambat-lambatnya 36 jam setelah pesanan selesai. Keluhan yang diajukan setelah batas waktu ini dapat dianggap tidak tepat waktu dan kami mungkin menolak keluhan tersebut.


  1. Syarat dan Ketentuan ini menggantikan segala syarat, ketentuan, ketentuan, atau representasi yang tidak konsisten yang terkandung dalam materi promosi lainnya mengenai AirAsia Ride. Dalam hal terjadi ketidaksesuaian antara ketentuan dalam Syarat dan Ketentuan ini dengan ketentuan atau materi lainnya, maka Syarat dan Ketentuan ini yang akan berlaku.
  2. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kegagalan untuk mematuhi atau atas keterlambatan dalam melaksanakan kewajiban kami jika kegagalan tersebut disebabkan oleh sesuatu di luar kendali wajar kami. Keadaan tersebut termasuk, namun tidak terbatas pada, kondisi cuaca, kebakaran, banjir, angin topan, pemogokan, perselisihan industri, perang, permusuhan, kerusuhan politik, huru hara, huru-hara, epidemi dan pandemi sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh pemerintah atau otoritas terkait, kecelakaan yang tak terhindarkan, peraturan khusus atau keadaan lain apa pun yang sifatnya di luar kendali kami.
  3. Kami berhak atas kebijakannya sendiri untuk mengubah, menghapus, atau menambah salah satu Syarat dan Ketentuan yang terkandung di sini dan/atau membatalkan, mengakhiri, atau menangguhkan Pesanan Perjalanan Anda dari waktu ke waktu tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya, dan persyaratan yang direvisi tersebut dan ketentuan akan segera diposting di Aplikasi. Untuk menghindari keraguan, pembatalan, penghentian, atau penangguhan oleh kami atas akses Anda ke Aplikasi atau Pesan Perjalanan tidak akan memberi Anda hak atas klaim atau kompensasi apa pun terhadap kami untuk setiap dan semua kerugian atau kerusakan yang timbul, baik kami atau Anda telah diberitahu tentang kemungkinan kehilangan atau kerusakan tersebut.
  4. Anda setuju untuk membela dan mengganti kerugian kami dan pejabat, direktur, karyawan, dan agen kami dari dan terhadap klaim, penyebab tindakan, tuntutan, pemulihan, kerugian, kerusakan, denda, penalti, atau biaya atau pengeluaran lain dalam bentuk apa pun atau sifatnya termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada biaya hukum yang wajar, yang dibawa oleh pihak ketiga, termasuk Pengemudi, sebagai akibat dari pelanggaran Anda terhadap Syarat dan Ketentuan ini dan pelanggaran Anda terhadap hak atau hukum yang berlaku.
  5. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas segala kerusakan, kehilangan (termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada kerugian langsung, tidak langsung dan konsekuensial), kewajiban, cedera atau kekecewaan yang Anda alami atau alami sehubungan dengan Layanan, promosi Layanan ini, kecuali untuk kewajiban apa pun yang tidak dapat dikecualikan oleh hukum (dalam hal ini tanggung jawab tersebut dibatasi hingga batas minimum yang diizinkan oleh hukum).
  6. Syarat dan Ketentuan ini diatur oleh dan diterjemahkan sesuai dengan hukum Indonesia.

Last update: 24 August 2022

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This page sets out the terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”) for using the www.airasia.com website and airasia.com mobile application (collectively known as “Website”). The Website is owned and operated by Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd) and/or its subsidiaries, including but not limited to PT AirAsia MOVE Indonesia.

Please read these terms of use carefully before using this Website. You should immediately stop and refrain from using this Website if you do not agree to this terms of use.


Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd) and its subsidiaries (“AirAsia, “we”, “us”, “our””), PT AirAsia MOVE Indonesia are entities indirectly owned by AirAsia Group Berhad (“AAGB”). Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd) is a wholly owned subsidiary of AirAsia Digital Sdn Bhd (“AAD”). AAGB, AAD and its respective affiliates shall collectively be known as AirAsia Group of Companies. For avoidance of doubt, affiliates shall mean an entity, present and future, that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with AirAsia. The term “control” (including the terms “controlled by” and “under common control with”) means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of AirAsia, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise

This Website is managed and operated out of Malaysia with the server located in Malaysia. Though this Website may be accessible from anywhere in the world, the availability of the functions, products, and services discussed, mentioned, supplied, and provided through or on this Website may vary by country or region. Should you choose to visit this Website from countries or regions outside of Malaysia, you do so on your own volition and shall use our Website only as permitted by your local laws.

Through the Website, we make available for sale a wide variety of products and services related to travel, lifestyle, daily essentials, healthcare as well as financial services (collectively known as “Products and Services''). Should you wish to purchase these Products and Services, you may be directed to another External Site (hereunder defined) which may contain its own respective terms of use. If you wish to continue with the purchase of the Product and Service, you agree to be additionally bound by the specific terms of use applicable to the particular Product and Service.

In the event of conflict between this Terms of Use and specific terms of use, the latter shall prevail. We reserve the right to amend, modify, add, delete and make corrections to this Terms of Use at any time and would advise you to review these Terms of Use and any specific terms of use periodically to be aware of such modifications. In any event, we will notify users of any modification by updating the terms on our website @www.airasia.com (“Website”) and by including a "NEWLY UPDATED" label for a period of 30 days. After the 30-days’ period, the updated version(s) of the Terms of Use shall supersede all previous versions of the Terms of Use with automatic effect, without any further action by us. You acknowledge and agree that you shall be bound by the terms of the most recent version of theTerms of Use found on the Website.

Intellectual Property Right

You acknowledge and agree that all copyright, database rights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights or other property rights relating to the Website, including but not limited to content, in whichever form, and lay out, shall remain at all times vested in us or their respective owner.

The contents of our Website are intended for your personal non-commercial use only. Graphics and images on this Website are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner without our written permission. Modification of any of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose will be a violation of our copyright and other intellectual property rights and the copyright and intellectual property rights of the respective owners.

This Website and the Products and Services, technology and processes contained may be the subject of other intellectual property rights owned by AirAsia Group of Companies or by third parties. No licence is granted in respect of such intellectual property rights other than as set out in this Terms of Use. Your use of this Website must not in any way infringe the intellectual property rights of any party.


Whilst every effort is made to update the information contained on this Website, neither AirAsia, AirAsia Group of Companies nor any third party or data or content owner/provider make any representations or warranties, whether express, implied in law or residual, as to the sequence, accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, opinions, any share price information, research information, data and/or content contained on the Website (including but not limited to any information which may be provided by any third party or data or content providers) (“Information”) and shall not be bound in any manner by any information contained on the Website.

The Company reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue without notice, any aspect or feature of this Website. No information shall be construed as advice and the information contained in the Website is offered for information purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes. You rely on the information contained on this Website at your own discretion. If you find an error or omission at this site, you can let us know by contacting us in the manner described at the Contact Us section below.

Use of Website

By using this Website;

  • You warrant that you have reached the age of majority and have capacity to enter into a legally binding contract in the territory in which you reside and that you will only use this Website to make legitimate purchases;
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through the Website meet your specific requirements;
  • You will be fully responsible for all matters arising from your use of this Website;
  • You will not use this Website in any manner which breaches any applicable laws and regulations;
  • You will not interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation or functionality of the Website and not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access, via whatever means, to our systems;
  • You agree that we have the right to send you administrative and promotional emails. We may also send you information regarding your account activity and purchases, as well as updates about the Website, Products and Services, new products and/or services as well as any other promotional offers. You are able to opt-out of receiving our promotional e-mails or to unsubscribe such information at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of such e-mail correspondence; and
  • You acknowledge that the Products and Services available on the Website may be provided by third parties and you accept that these third parties will have their own applicable terms and conditions in relation to the supply of Products and Services, in which you are further subjected to and shall abide by those additional terms and conditions.

Restriction and Prohibition of Use of this Website

By using this Website including the posting of content and commentary in the Website’s community and chatting channel, or other public communication forums hosted on this Website, you agree that you will not upload, post or otherwise transmit or make available any content (including text links, communications, software, images, sounds, data or other information) that is not consistent with the permissible uses outlined in this Terms of Use including, but not limited to the following:

  • False, inaccurate, misleading, unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortuous, harassing, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, vulgar, profane, sexually oriented/suggestive/explicit, obscene, racially or ethnically offensive or otherwise objectionable;
  • Violates any laws, third party rights, or infringes on any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
  • Attempt to use the Website with crawlers, robots, data mining, extraction tools or any other functionality;
  • Contains software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or any other computer code or files that are designed to disrupt, damage or limit the functioning of any software or hardware;
  • Provides any non-public information about AirAsia, AirAsia Group of Companies or any other company or person without the proper authorization to do so. This includes providing the names, addresses and extension numbers of AirAsia and AirAsia Group of Companies’ employees and any of the Website’s users;
  • Intentionally interferes with the operation of any of the Website and/or Products and Services included in this Website without limitation, mail or ‘post’ bombing, news bombing, other flooding techniques, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks;
  • Impersonates any person or entity, including AirAsia and AirAsia Group of Companies’ employees or forges any TCP-IP packet header, email header or any part of a message header. This prohibition does not include the use of aliases or anonymous remailers;
  • Linking to this Website without obtaining the prior written approval of AirAsia; and
  • Use of any automated screen capture or screen scraping technologies to obtain information from this site without the prior written approval of AirAsia is an infringement of AirAsia’s intellectual property rights.

External and Third Party Sites

This Website may contain links to Websites maintained by third parties (“External Sites”). These External Sites are provided to redirect you to another Website to enable purchase of Products and Services, or for your reference and convenience only. AirAsia does not operate, control or endorse in any respect such External Sites or their content. You assume sole responsibility for use of these External Sites and are therefore, advised to examine the terms and conditions of those External Sites carefully.


Secure Server Layer (SSL) encrypts the information you send through this Website. Although AirAsia would use its best endeavor to ensure security, AirAsia makes no warranty in respect of the strength or effectiveness of that encryption and AirAsia is not and shall not be held responsible for events arising from unauthorised access of the information you provide.

Contact Us

Should you have any queries or complaints regarding this Website and this Terms of Use, please send an email to [email protected].

Our Privacy Statement

We regard your privacy as important. For more detailed information on how we collect and process your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Statement. By using our Website, you consent to the processing of your personal information as described in our Privacy Statement as may be amended from time to time.

Specific Terms and Conditions of Products and Services

For further information regarding the Products and Services offered for sale on the Website, you can read the specific terms and conditions applicable to the relevant products or services here.

Liability and Indemnity

The content on this Website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. You therefore agree that your use of this Website and the Products and Services offered for sale on this Website are provided at your sole risk. AirAsia, our officers, directors, employees, partners and suppliers disclaim:

  • all warranties or representations of any kind regarding this Website ,its operations or the accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, or quality of any information, content or material included herein;
  • to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, all conditions and warranties, express and implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement;
  • all liability to you or anyone else for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive loss or damage (including without limitation loss of revenue, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation and loss of, or damage to, data), incurred or suffered in connection with the use or inability to use this Website whether based in contract, tort or otherwise even if we are informed of their possibility; and
  • all liability to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with use of this Website or an external site. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for use from this Website is free of viruses or anything else that may interfere with or damage the operation of your computer systems.

In the event of any third-party request, loss, liability, proposition, or expense (including lawyer's fees) brought against AirAsia arising from or relating to your usage of this Website and/or the Products and Services, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, our directors, employees, agents, partners, affiliates and other licensed persons, harmless at all time.

Governing Law and Venue

This Website is governed by the laws of Malaysia and should there be any dispute arising from your use of this Website, you further agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysia courts.


You may not assign or transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Terms of Use, the specific terms and conditions or Privacy Statement.

AirAsia does not guarantee it will take action against all breaches of the provisions of this Terms of Use. The failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not amount to waiver of our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. This Terms of Use set forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and AirAsia with respect to its subject matter.

AirAsia may terminate your use of this Website or any of the Products and Services at any time for any reason or no reason, with or without notice. This Terms of Use and the specific terms and conditions, if applicable, shall continue to govern all use of this Website and the particular Products and Service notwithstanding any termination, suspension, or cancellation.

General Terms

Entire Agreement - The Terms and Conditions, the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy constitute the sole record of the agreement between you and the Company in relation to your use of the Website. Neither you nor the Company shall be bound by any express, tacit or implied representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein. Unless otherwise specifically stated these Website terms and conditions supersede and replace all prior commitments, undertakings or representations, whether written or oral, between you and the Company in respect of your use of the Website.

Waiver - No indulgence or extension of time which either you or the Company may grant to the other will constitute a waiver of or, whether by estoppels or otherwise, limit any of the existing or future rights of the grantor in terms hereof, save in the event or to the extent that the grantor has signed a written document expressly waiving or limiting such rights.

Cession - The Company shall be entitled to cede, assign and delegate all or any of its rights and obligations in terms of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices to any third-party.

Severability - Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. All provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices are, notwithstanding the manner in which they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other. Any provision of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices, which is or becomes unenforceable in any jurisdiction, whether due to voidness, invalidity, illegality, unlawfulness or for any reason whatever, shall, in such jurisdiction only and only to the extent that it is so unenforceable, be treated as pro non scripto and the remaining provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices shall remain in full force and effect.

Last update: 20 January 2022

AirAsia Ride Passenger Terms and Conditions (Malaysia)

These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) shall govern the booking of a ride made through the AirAsia Ride app (“Book a Ride, Booking a Ride”) and the performance of the ride to the selected destination by the Driver (hereinafter defined) (“Service”) and shall be the legally binding document between you and AirAsia Ride Sdn Bhd (“AirAsia Ride, us, our, we”).

By Booking a Ride and using the Service, you are deemed to have read, understood and expressly agreed to be bound by this Terms and Conditions, which may be amended, modified, added, deleted and corrected at any time. Therefore, we would advise you to review this Terms and Conditions periodically to be aware of such changes. Further, you agree and accept that the updated Terms and Conditions shall supersede all previous versions of the Terms and Conditions with automatic effect once they are posted on our App and/or the airasia.com website, without any further action by us and that you shall be bound by the terms of the most recent version of the Terms and Conditions found on the App and/or the airasia.com website.

In addition to this Term and Conditions, you shall also be bound by the Terms of Use. and Privacy Statement of AirAsia, which may be amended and revised from time to time.

You acknowledge that the AirAsia Ride App is only a platform for you to Book a Ride (“App”) with an available driver. Further, you agree that the Service is performed and fulfilled by the driver who is an independent third party and not an employee of AirAsia Ride (“Driver”).

Dacsee Sdn Bhd (“Dacsee”) is the merchant of records for every Book a Ride. By virtue thereof, the receipt for your Book a Ride shall appear in the name of Dacsee and any refunds shall also be processed and made by Dacsee.

Book a Ride

  1. To Book a Ride, you must have the legal capacity to be bound by this Terms and Conditions and that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. As and when requested, you shall provide us with your personal identification document for security and identity verification purposes.
  2. To Book a Ride, you will need to be an AirAsia member and log on to the AirAsia membership account. You can register to be an AirAsia member here.
  3. You are responsible to provide all information required in the App for the purpose of provision and fulfillment of the Service and to update your personal information in the App from time to time to ensure it is accurate and current.
  4. As and when requested to do so, you shall provide the actual number of passengers when you Book a Ride. You further acknowledge and agree that if the number of passengers is untrue or inaccurate, the Driver is entitled to cancel your booking and may charge a Cancellation Fee as per the Cancellation Policy as set out below.
  5. You will have the option to consent and allow access for the App to the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS). We recommend that you provide your consent so the App will be able to indicate locations accurately.
  6. You shall select the correct pick-up and/or drop-off locations before you confirm to Book a Ride.
  7. Changes in pick-up and/or drop-off locations are not allowed. Kindly ensure that your pick-up and/or drop-off locations are accurate prior to Booking a Ride. Should you wish to change your pick-up and/or drop-off locations, kindly cancel the existing Book a Ride, and book a new ride with the accurate location.
  8. You are advised to confirm to Book a Ride only when you are ready to travel. In the event that the Driver has been waiting for longer than five (5) minutes, the Driver has the right to terminate your booking.
  9. You are entitled to cancel the Book a Ride if you notice that the vehicle or Driver’s details do not match the details shown in the AirAsia Ride App. Should there be payment made under such circumstances, you will be entitled to a refund, if you are able to provide sufficient evidence of the incorrect details.


  1. You are required to make payment for the charges incurred for the provision of the Service including any applicable tolls, taxes and any other fees or charges due.
  2. You may select the method of payment at the time of Book a Ride, which may be in the form of cash, Card, BigPoints (coming soon), e-Wallet or one of the automated payment methods made available on the App from time to time. Any method of payment so selected is non-changeable and irrevocable.
  3. Despite selecting cash or e-Wallet as the method of Payment, you are advised to register at least one valid automated payment method in the App prior to Book a Ride. Automated payment methods shall be in the form of credit card or debit card (“Card”).
  4. You shall register a valid Card that belongs to you in accordance with the step-by-step instructions as provided in the App. In the event the Card belongs to another person, you hereby warrant and represent that you have obtained the permission from such person to use the Card for the payment of the Service. You agree that we may verify and authenticate the Card details when you first register the Card in the App as well as when you Book a Ride.
  5. Should you select BigPoints as the method of Payment, you acknowledge that you shall be governed by the terms and conditions of BigLife Sdn Bhd, which can be found here.
  6. If the tipping feature is available in the App, you may pre-set a default “tip” amount when you Book a Ride. This will automatically be included in the total payment due after the Service has been provided, and is given to the Driver.
  7. We may, in our sole discretion, create promotional codes that may be redeemed for the booking of the Services, subject to any additional terms that AirAsia Ride establishes on a per promotional code basis.
  8. Passengers should not remit any additional payment to the Driver apart from the total payable amount reflected in the App. AirAsia Ride’s records will be the source of truth and we shall not be responsible for any dispute of payment exceeding the total amount payable reflected in the App.

Cancellation Policy

  1. You may cancel your Book a Ride at any time before a Driver is assigned to you.
  2. If you decide to cancel your Book a Ride or do not show up at the designated location where the Driver is supposed to pick you up, you agree that you may be charged a fee (“Cancellation Fee”) which will be reflected in your next Book a Ride as stipulated in this cancellation policy.
  3. If you feel you were incorrectly charged a Cancellation Fee, you may contact AirAsia Ride’s chat support available in the App. AirAsia Ride reserves its absolute discretion to any refunds to you.


  1. If you wish to apply for a refund, you may do so in accordance with the AirAsia Ride refund policy.
  2. Refund for all mode of payments;
    • Submission of refund shall be made to AirAsia Ride’s chat support and our team will be in touch with you for an investigation for approval.
    • Upon approval of refund, we will refund you through the AirAsia’s Ride “Cash Wallet” where you will be able to perform the withdrawal of funds to your designated bank account.
    • Upon request of withdrawal of funds from the “Cash Wallet” please allow three (3) working days for us to process the withdrawal process.

Rights and Obligations

  1. This Service can be procured by you for yourself or for the use by other persons with or without your company. Should you procure the Service for another person without your company, you shall ensure such person must have attained the minimum age of 12 years old to be an unaccompanied passenger (“Unaccompanied Minor”). Further, you agree that you shall assume the primary responsibility of the conduct and/or behaviour of such person during the use of the Service including the Unaccompanied Minor;
  2. You shall behave appropriately and in good manners and shall not discriminate against or harass anyone on the basis of race, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age or sexual orientation;
  3. You shall not request your Driver to speed or commit traffic violations, including dropping off and/or picking up at illegal or unsafe locations.
  4. You shall always wear seat belts at all times during the Service provision and shall ensure such other persons traveling with or without you to do the same. If you are travelling with children or babies, you shall be responsible to ensure that the appropriate safety measures as per the applicable laws are in place throughout the provision of the Service.
  5. You must abide by the Standard Operating Procedures (“SOP”) set by the relevant regulatory authorities, including but not limited to, the number of passenger(s) allowed in the vehicle and wearing face masks. The Driver has the option to reject your Book a Ride should you not follow the relevant SOP.
  6. You shall be penalised by law for any attempts to vandalise, damage, theft or robbery to the Driver’s vehicle.
  7. In the event that you suspect your Driver to be under the influence of illegal substances, you have the right to terminate the Service and report to the local authorities and/or us.
  8. In the event of an emergency, you shall contact the authorities first. Once all parties are safe and the authorities have been contacted, you may report the incident to us. For avoidance of doubt, there is an “SOS” feature available in the App which allows you to contact the authorities in the event of an emergency.
  9. You reserve the right to cancel your Book a Ride at any time before the commencement of Service.However, such cancellation may be subject to a Cancellation Fee as stipulated above.
  10. You must ensure that face masks are to be worn at all times by you and the Driver in order to prevent the infection and spread of Covid-19.
  11. You shall be responsible for your own personal belongings. We will not compensate for any losses suffered for loss of personal belongings.
  12. You are not allowed to contact your Driver after the Service has completed. Except in the event that you necessarily believe that you have lost an item, you may contact your Driver and arrange for a collection.
  13. Upon completion of the Service, you shall have the option to rate your Driver and to provide feedback.


  1. These Terms and Conditions will prevail over any inconsistent terms, conditions, provisions or representations contained in any other promotional materials regarding AirAsia Ride. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms in this Terms and Conditions and other provisions or materials, this Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
  2. We shall not be liable for any failure to comply with or for any delay in performing our obligations where the failure is caused by something outside our reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but not limited to, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, epidemic and pandemic as pronounced by the World Health Organisation, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any other circumstances of whatsoever nature beyond the control of ours.
  3. We reserve the right at its sole discretion to vary, delete or add to any of the Terms and Conditions contained herein and/or cancel, terminate or suspend your Book a Ride from time to time without any prior notice, and such revised terms and conditions will be posted on the App immediately. For the avoidance of doubt, cancellation, termination or suspension by us of your access to the App or Book a Ride shall not entitle you to any claim or compensation against us for any and all losses or damage howsoever arising, whether or not we or you have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.
  4. You agree to defend and indemnify us and any of our officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, causes of action, demands, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, penalties or other costs or expenses of any kind or nature including but not limited to reasonable legal fees, brought by third parties, including the Driver, as a result of your breach of this Terms and Conditions and your violation of any rights or applicable laws.
  5. We shall bear no responsibility for any damage, loss (including but not limited to direct, indirect and consequential loss), liability, injury or disappointment incurred or suffered by you) in connection with the Service, the promotion of this Service, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).
  6. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.

Last updated: 2 August 2021

AirAsia Ride Drivers Terms and Conditions (Malaysia)

This AirAsia Ride Driver’s Service Agreement shall govern the relationship between AirAsia Ride Sdn Bhd (“AirAsia Ride, us, we”) and the Driver, which is to be read together and shall collectively represent a legally binding agreement (“Agreement”) between the Parties.

AirAsia Ride is the owner and operator of the AirAsia Ride e-hailing application (“Application”) that is available on the airasia.com mobile application (“Platform”) for the purpose of enabling users seeking transportation services (“Passenger”) to certain destinations to be matched with third party independent transportation providers (“Driver, you, your”) for a certain fare (“Service”).

By clicking the Accept & Agree button in the Driver’s Registration Form, you agree that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed with these terms and conditions.

  1. Term
    This Agreement shall commence on the date where your registration as a Driver is confirmed by AirAsia Ride (“Effective Date”) and shall continue indefinitely unless terminated pursuant to Clause 9 below in this Agreement.

  2. Grant of Rights
    From the Effective Date and in exchange for the Remuneration (hereunder defined), we hereby grant you a revocable, non-exclusive, non- transferable, limited license to use and access the Application to enable you to perform the Service subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. You shall also abide by and adhere to the Term of Use of the Application at all times, which may be changed from time to time. You are advised to keep yourself updated with the latest version of the Term of Use.

  3. Drivers’ Obligations
  4. 3.1 During the Term of this Agreement, you undertake that;
    1. you possess a valid driver’s license and a public vehicle service license (“PSV License”) and have obtained an e-hailing vehicle permit (“EVP”) in order to operate a motor vehicle;
    2. the vehicle which you intend to use when performing the Service (“Vehicle”), is in good operating condition and meets the industry safety standards for Vehicles of its kind;
    3. you will strictly adhere and comply with road safety standards, as imposed by the applicable laws;
    4. you shall possess the necessary insurance policy required under the applicable laws for third party and public liability coverage for the Vehicle and to cover any anticipated losses incurred as a result of performing the Service;
    5. you shall carry out the performance of the Service in compliance with and in the manner as stipulated under Schedule A - Code of Conduct
    6. you agree to assist us with any internal or external investigations as may be required by us in complying with any prevailing laws or regulations in place;
    7. you shall not, at any time after accepting a Book a Ride, unreasonably cancel the performance of Service to such booking.

  5. Payments
  6. Payment Terms for Drivers

    4.1 The fees which you pay us for the completion of each Service are due immediately and are non-refundable (“Commission“). The Commission shall be a percentage of the fee charged to passengers, as determined by us from time to time. The percentage of Commission shall be based on the category of drivers and vehicles and will be displayed to you in the Application.

    4.2 This no-refund policy shall apply at all times regardless of your decision to terminate this Agreement, our decision to terminate or suspend your access to the Application, disruption caused to the Service whether planned, accidental or intentional, or any reason whatsoever.

    4.3 You acknowledge and confirm that we may collect on your behalf the total due to you for certain payment methods chosen by the Passenger.We retain the right to suspend the processing of any transaction where we reasonably believe that the transaction may be fraudulent, illegal or involves any criminal activity or where you and/or the Passenger have breached any of the terms in this Agreement. In such an event, you shall not hold us liable for any withholding of, delay in, suspension, forfeiture or cancellation of, any payment(s) to you.

    4.4 We may, at its sole discretion, make promotional offers with different features and different rates on the Service to any of the Passenger whereby these promotional offers shall accordingly be honored by you. We may change the Commission rate at any time at our sole discretion.

    Driver’s Cash Wallet

    4.5 AirAsia Ride shall administer payments to you and from you by way of a wallet system (the “Driver’s Cash Wallet”). Your earnings will be displayed in the Driver’s Cash Wallet in the Application and may be withdrawn by you to your designated bank account. AirAsia Ride reserves the right to make such deductions from the Driver’s Cash Wallet as are provided for in these terms and conditions, as are authorized by you, or as are notified to you via the Application.

    Driver’s Credit Wallet

    4.6 In addition to your Driver’s Cash Wallet, you must also maintain with us a Driver’s Credit Wallet. The Driver’s Credit Wallet store credits comprises a pre-payment to us by you of the Commission and other fees and charges applicable due and payable by you to us. You must at all times maintain a minimum credit balance (“Minimum Balance”) in your Driver’s Credit Balance in order for you to use the Service. The amount of such Minimum Balance shall be prescribed by us, and shall be notified to you through the Application. It may be changed at any time at our sole discretion.

    4.7 You may add funds (“Credits”) to your Driver’s Credit Wallet to fulfill the Minimum Balance requirement. The maximum balance you may hold in the Driver’s Cash Wallet at any time is RM500.00. Balance may be added in any manner prescribed by us from time to time (such as cash reload and credit/debit card payments or transfer from your Driver Cash Wallet).

    4.8 Credits are not redeemable for cash and cannot be refunded. They cannot be resold, exchanged or transferred for value under any circumstances. The Credits shall not be regarded, construed, or used as valuable or exchangeable instruments under any circumstances. You will not receive interest or other earnings on your Credits. We may receive interest on amounts that we hold on your behalf. You agree to assign your rights to us for any interest derived from your Credits.

    4.9 Credits in the Driver’s Credit Wallet will expire one (1) year from the date of your last top up. If there should be any balance upon the expiration of Credit, the balance will not be refunded. To avoid any forfeiture of credit, we advise you to perform a top up once before the expiration of credit for the total credit to be extended for another one (1) year.

  7. Taxes
    You are accountable for paying any tax and statutory contributions due in respect of sums payable to you under or in connection with this Agreement. You also acknowledge and agree that the Commission is inclusive of all and any applicable sales and service tax, goods and service tax, value added tax, withholding tax and/or other similar taxes, that are applicable and imposed pursuant to the local laws of Malaysia.

  8. Cancellation
  9. 6.1 The Passengers rely on you for delivery or provision of the Service. You agree that high and/or frequent cancellation rates or ignoring the Passengers’ bookings will impair the Passengers’ experience and negatively impact the reputation and branding of AirAsia Ride. Should you be found to have violated this subclause, we shall reserve the right to take any appropriate measure against you including but not limited to restricting your Service.

  10. Refund for Driver’s Credit Wallet
  11. 7.1 Submission of refund shall be made to the AirAsia Ride’s chat support and our team will be in touch with you for an investigation for approval.

    7.2 Upon approval of refund, we will refund any fee wrongly charged to your Driver’s Credit Wallet.

    The refund will be processed within three (3) working days.

  12. Incentive for Driver
  13. 8.1 At the sole discretion of ours, you may be selected as part of AirAsia Ride Driver’s incentive program. The incentive program will be communicated to you through the Applications and any applicable terms and conditions shall be communicated and made available to you through the in-app messaging function of the Application.

  14. Suspension and Termination
  15. 9.1 You agree and acknowledge and accept that a failure to comply with the Term of Use may result in suspension of this grant of right.

    9.2 You agree that we may do any of the following, at any time, without notice: (i) to modify, suspend or terminate operation of or access to the Application, or any portion of the Application (including access to your Account and/or the availability of any products or services), for any reason; (ii) to modify or change any applicable policies or terms; and (ii) to interrupt the operation of the Application or any portion of the Application (including access to your Account and/or the availability of any products or services), as necessary to perform routine or non-routine maintenance, error correction, or other changes. We shall not be required to compensate you for any suspension or termination.

    9.3 We reserve the right to immediately terminate this Agreement in the event you are in breach of Clause 10 Intellectual Property Rights, Clause 11 Confidentiality and Clause 13 Drivers’ Representations, Warranties and Undertakings.

    9.4 We may terminate this Agreement:

    1. in the event, you are in breach of your obligations under Clause 3, Code of Conduct and/or Terms of Use and has failed to remedy such breach, if capable of remedy, within seven (7) days (unless otherwise stated in this Agreement), or any other extended period as agreed upon between the Parties after receipt of notice from us requesting to remedy such breach; and
    2. by written notice with a notice period of 30 days without the need to assign any reason thereof.

  16. Intellectual Property Rights
  17. AirAsia Ride and its licensors, where applicable, shall own all right, title and interest, including all related intellectual property rights, in and to the Application and by extension, the Service and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by you or any other party relating to the Service. The terms and conditions do not constitute a sale agreement and do not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the Service and/or the Application, or any intellectual property rights owned by AirAsia Ride and/or its licensors. AirAsia Ride’s name, AirAsia Ride’s logo, the Service and/or the Application and the third party transportation providers’ logos and the product names associated with the Application are trademarks of AirAsia Ride or third parties, and no right or license is granted to use them. For the avoidance of doubt, the term Application herein shall include its respective components, processes and design in its entirety.

  18. Confidentiality
  19. You shall maintain in confidence all information and data relating to AirAsia Ride, its services, products, business affairs, marketing and promotion plans or other operations and its associated companies which are disclosed to you by or on behalf of AirAsia Ride (whether orally or in writing and whether before, on or after the date of this Agreement) or which are otherwise directly or indirectly acquired by you from AirAsia Ride, or any of its affiliate companies, or created in the course of this Agreement. You shall further ensure that you only use such confidential information in order to use the Service, and shall not without AirAsia Ride’s prior written consent, disclose such information to any third party nor use it for any other purpose.

  20. Data Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy
  21. AirAsia Ride collects and processes your Personal Data and you agree and consent to AirAsia Ride, its subsidiaries, actual assignee, potential assignee, transferee, acquirer, in connection with any corporate restructuring plan to transfer the business, asset or it’s liability and any of its affiliate companies to be collecting, using, processing and disclosing you Personal Data in the manner deemed fit and necessary by AirAsia Ride.

  22. Drivers’ Representations, Warranties and Undertakings
  23. During the Term of this Agreement, you represent, warrant and undertake that:

    1. you have legal capacity to enter into the Agreement and that you are at least eighteen (18) years old;
    2. all the information which you provide shall be true and accurate;
    3. when performing the Service, you agree to comply with all laws applicable to you and/or your performance of the Service;
    4. you own, or have the legal right and authority to operate, the Vehicle which you intend to use when performing the Service;
    5. you have all the appropriate licenses, approvals and authority to provide the Service;
    6. You shall obey all local laws related to the operation of a e-hailing service and will be solely responsible for any violations of such local laws; and
    7. You are aware that when responding to Passengers, an in-app messaging function will be made available. In the event you choose to communicate otherwise, standard telecommunication charges may apply which shall be solely borne by you.
  24. Indemnification
  25. During the Term of this Agreement, you agree that you shall indemnify and hold AirAsia Ride, its licensors and each such party’s affiliates, officers, directors, members, employees, attorneys and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs and/or regulatory action) arising out of or in connection with: (a) your performance of the Service and any violation and breach to the Code of Conduct; or (b) your violation or breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Term of Use of the Application; and (c) any act or omission, negligence or wilful misconduct resulting in personal injury, death or property damage.

  26. Disclaimer of Warranties
  27. The Application, its content and any related service(s) is provided to you on an “as is” basis. AirAsia Ride makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, in connection with the Application, Platform, Service, these terms and conditions, the content or any related service(s). Although we make reasonable efforts to keep the Application up-to-date, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether express or implied, that such information is accurate, complete or up to date. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequent loss arising from the modifications or amendments to the Application, Platform, Service, or terms and conditions.

  28. Internet Delays
  29. The platform, application and/or the associated softwares used to maintain and operate the platform and/or application may be subject to limitations, delays, and other problems inherent in the use of the internet and electronic communications including the device used by you being faulty, not connected, out of range, switched off or not functioning. airasia ride is not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, damages or losses resulting from such problems.

  30. Limitation of Liability
  31. You shall be solely responsible for any and all claims, judgments and liabilities resulting from any accident, loss or damage including, but not limited to, personal injuries, death, total loss and property damage which is due to or is alleged to be a result of the performance of the Service by you.

  32. Assignment
  33. This Terms and Conditions as modified from time to time shall not be assigned by you at all times. However, we shall have the right to assign without your consent subject to a notice to be provided by us. Any purported assignment by you in violation of this section shall be void.

  34. Relationship
  35. The relationship between you and us shall be of the nature of independent contractors. Nothing contained in these terms and conditions shall be construed as creating any agency, partnership, or other form of joint enterprise with us.

  36. Severability
  37. If any provision of the terms and conditions is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired.

  38. No Waiver
  39. The failure of AirAsia Ride to enforce any right or provision in the terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

  40. Entire Agreement
  41. This Agreement comprises the entire agreement between you and us and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous negotiations or discussions.

Schedule A


  1. You will not use the Application to cause nuisance or behave in an inappropriate or disrespectful manner towards us, our affiliates or any third party
  2. You shall not contact Passengers for purposes other than in connection with the Service;
  3. You shall ensure that the vehicle must be maintained in good condition and regular inspection must be carried out to ensure that the said vehicle is safe, roadworthy and suitable for its intended use;
  4. You shall comply with all traffic laws and regulations imposed by the relevant authorities from time to time;
  5. You shall only use the vehicle that you have registered in the Application and should not use any other vehicle. If you are required to use another vehicle for the same account, please contact AirAsia’s chat support to perform the necessary changes of information.
  6. You are prohibited to consume any alcohol, drugs and/or illegal substances prior to or during the drive;
  7. You are advisable to maintain proper decorum and dress appropriately as regulated by Airasia Ride and/or the local authority(ies);
  8. You shall not engage in reckless driving which may pose a risk or threat to the Passenger(s) safety and wellbeing;
  9. You shall provide assistance to the Passenger(s) especially to the less able;
  10. You shall communicate with the Passenger(s) in a polite and non-abusive manner. Any vulgar words or sexual insinuation is strictly prohibited;
  11. Any form of misconduct or sexual harassment is strictly prohibited. Airasia Ride may lodge a police report against you for any wrongdoing which can be deemed as criminal in nature;
  12. Any form of communication with the Passenger(s) which is personal and unwarranted is strictly prohibited;
  13. You shall respect if the Passenger(s) refuse to communicate and shall respect their decision and avoid making them uncomfortable;
  14. You shall always check with the Passenger(s) if they have left any item(s) or personal belonging(s) behind. Any item(s) found shall be notified and/or returned to the Passenger(s) or to AirAsia Ride;
  15. You shall not engage in job transfer and every accepted job assignment shall be honoured and completed by you;
  16. You shall not practice any form of discrimination towards different religon, race, sexuality, and towards the disabled;
  17. Overcharging Passenger(s) shall be viewed seriously. Fares are to be decided by the rates predetermined by the AirAsia Ride.You are not allowed to incur extra chargers to your Passenger(s) unless stated otherwise by Airasia Ride via its Platform;
  18. You must ensure that face masks are to be worn at all times for both Driver and Passenger(s) in order to contain the infection of Covid-19;.
  19. The number of Passenger(s) allowed in the vehicle must be subjected to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)/ regulations set by the relevant regulatory authorities;
  20. You shall ensure that the vehicle is sanitised from time to time and Passenger(s) use hand sanitisers when on boarding the vehicle;
  21. AirAsia Ride shall not be responsible for any Services provided by you for any negligence, misconduct and/or wrongdoing towards the Passenger(s), other road user(s) and/or other third party(ies);
  22. You shall have the discretion to refuse Service for Passenger(s) that appear drunk or inappropriate prior to boarding the vehicle;
  23. Passengers and Drivers may be allowed to rate or block each other in respect of the Services provided.
  24. Every rating will be automatically logged onto AirAsia Ride’s system and AirAsia Ride may analyse all ratings received. AirAsia Ride may take all appropriate actions including suspending your use of the Application for performance of Service without any notice or compensation to you.

Last update: 2 August 2021

Driver Terms of use (Malaysia)

This page sets out the terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”) for using the AirAsia Ride’s e-hailing application (“Application”). The Application is owned and operated by AirAsia MOVE Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Ads Sdn Bhd) and/or its subsidiaries for the purpose of enabling users seeking transportation services (“Passenger”) to certain destinations to be matched with third party independent transportation providers (“Driver, you, your”) for a certain fare (“Service”).


  1. You will only use the Application to carry out the Service for their intended and lawful purposes;
  2. You will keep your account password or any identification we provide you which allows access to the Application secure and confidential;
  3. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security;
  4. You will not try to interrupt or harm the Application in any way;
  5. You will not attempt to commercially exploit any part of the Application without our permission, including without limitation modify any of the Application’s content in any way, or copy, reproduce, publicly display, distribute or otherwise use or communicate them for any public or commercial purpose without our permission;
  6. You will not authorize others to use your identity or user status, and you may not assign or otherwise transfer your user account to any other person or entity;
  7. You will provide us with whatever proof of identity or any other documents, permits, licenses or approvals which we may reasonably request or require;
  8. You will not use the Application for sending or storing any unlawful material or for fraudulent purposes;
  9. You will not copy, or distribute the content of the Application Software or other content without written permission from AirAsia Ride;
  10. You will provide accurate, current and complete information as required for the Service and undertake the responsibility to maintain and update your information in a timely manner to keep it accurate, current and complete at all times during the term of the Agreement. You agree that we may rely on your information as accurate, current and complete. You acknowledge that if your information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete in any respect, we have the right but not the obligation to terminate this Agreement at any time with or without notice;
  11. You will only use an access point or data account which you are authorized to use;
  12. You agree that your use of the Application will be subject to our Privacy Policy;
  13. You will not utilise modified devices or applications with the intent of evading detections or facilitating any activities intended to defraud AirAsia Ride or to disrupt the natural functions of the Application;
  14. You shall not reverse look-up, trace or seek to trace any information on any Passenger, or any other customer of AirAsia Ride, including without limitation any user account not owned by you, to its source, or exploit the Application or any service or information made available or offered by or through the Application, in any way where the purpose is to reveal any information, including but shall not be limited to personal identification information, other than your own information, as provided for by the Application;
  15. In the course of your performance of the Service, you acknowledge that AirAsia Ride may disclose Personal Data of other individuals to you and you undertake that you will only use such Personal Data for any other purposes not associated with the performance of the Service.
  16. License Grant and Restrictions

  17. You shall not:

    1. license, sublicense, sell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Application in any way;
    2. modify or make derivative works based on the Application;
    3. “mirror” the Application on any other server or wireless or internet-based device;
    4. except to the extent such restriction is prohibited under applicable law, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, decrypt or attempt to derive and code or extract software from, this Application or any software or services made available on or through the Application;
    5. use any manual or automated program or script, including but not limited to web spiders, web crawlers, web robots, web ants, web indexers, bots, viruses or worms, or any program which may make multiple server requests per second, (a) to unduly burden or hinder the operation and/or performance of the Application; (b) to conduct data mining or scraping activities, or (b) in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Application or its content;
    6. post, distribute or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior consent of the owner of such proprietary right;
    7. remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained on the Application; or
    8. use the Application to: (a) send spam or otherwise duplicative or unsolicited messages; (b) send or store infringing, obscene, threatening, libelous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material, including but not limited to materials harmful to children or violative of third party privacy rights; (c) send material containing software viruses, worms, trojan horses or other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents or programs; (d) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Application or the data contained therein; (e) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Application or its related software, systems or networks; (f) impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; or (g) engage in any conduct that could possibly damage our reputation or amount to being disreputable.

  18. You agree and acknowledge and accept that a failure to comply with the Term of Use may result in suspension of this grant of right.
  19. This Application is governed by the laws of Malaysia and should there be any dispute arising from your use of this Application, you further agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Malaysia courts.

Drivers Benefit

Last update: 1 August 2022

General Drivers' Benefit Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions (“AirAsia Ride Drivers’ Benefit Terms and Conditions”) shall govern the offer and redemption of benefits (“Drivers’ Benefit”) by the verified AirAsia Ride drivers (“Drivers, you”) and shall be the legally binding document between you and AirAsia Ride Sdn. Bhd. (“AirAsia Ride, us, our, we”).

By redeeming a Drivers’ Benefit, you are deemed to have read, understood and expressly agreed to be bound by this AirAsia Ride Drivers’ Benefit Terms and Conditions, which may be amended, modified, added, deleted and corrected at any time. Therefore, we would advise you to review this AirAsia Ride Drivers’ Benefit Terms and Conditions periodically to be aware of such changes.

Further, you agree and accept that the updated AirAsia Ride Drivers’ Benefit Terms and Conditions shall supersede all previous versions of the AirAsia Ride Drivers’ Benefit Terms and Conditions with automatic effect once they are posted on our AirAsia Ride Driver’s mobile application and/or the https://www.airasia.com/aa/ride/benefits/ website (“Driver’s Platform”), without any further action by us and that you shall be bound by the terms of the most recent version of the AirAsia Ride Drivers’ Benefit Terms and Conditions found on the Driver’s Platform.

In addition to this AirAsia Ride General Drivers’ Benefit Terms and Conditions, you shall also be bound by the Terms of Use and Privacy Statement, which may be amended and revised from time to time.

You acknowledge that the Drivers’ Benefit shall include a variety of benefits, rewards, products and services to be offered to the Drivers on an exclusive basis. Further, you agree that the Drivers’ Benefit is performed and fulfilled by the independent third-party companies (“Partners”) and their Specific Terms and Conditions (hereinafter defined) may be applicable during redemption of any Drivers’ Benefit. You acknowledge that the Partners are not associated with AirAsia Ride and we do not endorse or affirm the quality of products or services provided by the Partners in relation to the Drivers’ Benefit.

Redemption of Drivers’ Benefit

  1. To redeem any Drivers’ Benefit, you must be a driver verified by AirAsiaRide. As and when requested by the Partners, you shall provide the Partners with your airasia ride Driver ID through the Driver’s Platform for identity verification purposes.
  2. You acknowledge that the Partners may impose any applicable terms and conditions, including but not limited to validity periods, redemption mechanisms and geographical limitations (collectively referred to as the “Specific Terms and Conditions”) for Drivers’ Benefit redemption purposes. These Specific Terms and Conditions can be found on https://www.airasia.com/aa/about-us/en/gb/ride-terms-and-conditions.html#90OFFAirAsiaFlights. You agree to be bound by these Specific Terms and Conditions, and shall be deemed to have given your consent for any collection of personal information and is subjected to the privacy policy of the Partners.
  3. You further acknowledge that the redemption of the Drivers’ Benefit may be subject to appointment availability and any restrictions may be imposed by the Partners as to when the Drivers’ Benefit can be redeemed.
  4. You acknowledge that failure to abide by the Specific Terms and Conditions may automatically disentitled you from the Drivers’ Benefit redemption without any further notice or liability towards AirAsia Ride or the Partners.
  5. You acknowledge that the details, promotional materials and Specific Terms and Conditions of each Drivers’ Benefit shall be posted or communicated on the Driver’s Platform. The Specific Terms and Conditions shall prevail over any inconsistent terms, conditions, provisions or representations contained in any other promotional materials regarding any Drivers’ Benefit. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms in the Specific Terms and Conditions and other provisions or materials, the Specific Terms and Conditions shall prevail. The provisions of the Specific Terms and Conditions shall be read and construed in conjunction with this AirAsia Ride General Drivers' Benefit Terms and Condition.


  1. If for any reason this Drivers’ Benefit is unable to proceed or operate smoothly due to actions of the Drivers, including but not limited to irregularity, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud or any other causes beyond our control which corrupts or affects the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the redemption of this Drivers’ Benefit, AirAsia Ride reserve the right in our sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify, postpone or suspend the redemption of the Drivers’ Benefit.
  2. AirAsia Ride also reserve the right at our sole discretion to disqualify any Driver and retract the Drivers’ Benefit from any Drivers if AirAsia Ride has proof or reasonably believe that the Driver has (singularly or jointly with any other Driver) undertaken fraudulent practice and/or activities to obtain the Drivers’ Benefit or undertaken any other activities harmful to the redemption of Drivers’ Benefit or to us. AirAsia Ride further reserves the right to block the Driver’s airasia ride driver account from performing future transactions on the AirAsia MOVE’s mobile application and its website.
  3. AirAsia Ride shall not be liable for any failure by the Partners to comply or for any delay by the Partners in performing its obligations where the failure is caused by something outside its reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but not limited to, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, epidemic and pandemic as pronounced by the World Health Organisation, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any other circumstances of whatsoever nature beyond the control of the AirAsia Ride.
  4. You acknowledge that the Partners reserve the right at its sole discretion to vary, delete or add to the Specific Terms and Conditions and/or cancel, terminate or suspend the Drivers’ Benefit from time to time with prior written notice to AirAsia Ride, and such revised Specific Terms and Conditions shall be posted on the Driver’s Platform immediately. For the avoidance of doubt, cancellation, termination or suspension by the Partners of any Drivers’ Benefit shall not entitle you to any claim or compensation against the Partners or AirAsia Ride for any and all losses or damage howsoever arising, whether or not you have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.
  5. You shall be personally responsible for all taxes, surcharges, costs (transportation or any other costs of a personal nature), expenses, rates, government fees or any other charges that may be levied against you under applicable laws, if any, in relation to the redemption of any Drivers’ Benefit.
  6. AirAsia Ride shall bear no responsibility for any damage, loss (including but not limited to direct, indirect and consequential loss), liability, injury or disappointment incurred or suffered by the Drivers in connection with the redemption of Drivers’ Benefit, the promotion of this Drivers’ Benefit, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).
  7. You undertake to defend, indemnify and hold harmless AirAsia Ride and its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, agents, assignees, and employees, from and against any and all claims, suits, damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, fines, penalties, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable fees and expenses of attorneys and other professionals, of whatever kind or nature, arising out of an act, omission, negligence, poor workmanship by the Partners in providing the products and/or services as part of the Drivers’ Benefit.
  8. This Drivers’ Benefit shall not be redeemable together with any of the Partners’ ongoing promotions, discounts, and vouchers.
  9. This Drivers’ Benefit shall not be exchangeable for cash, kind or other denominations and is non-refundable.
  10. These AirAsia Ride Drivers’ Benefit Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.

Driver Incentives Program

Earn up to RM200 extra when you complete trips with airasia ride.

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Drivers must be verified as an Airasia driver.
  2. All drivers are entitled to these weekly incentives.
  3. Drivers who commits fraudulent orders will not be eligible for the incentives and their account will be banned.
  4. Weekly incentives will be credited in driver’s cash wallet the following week.
  5. Please refer to the driver application for more information.
  6. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Car Sticker Program

Earn RM120 monthly when you sign up and be part of the airasia Sticker Incentives Program!

How to sign up:
  1. Register your interest with the following link: https://forms.gle/GmTj2Szz5vEgPjt99.
  2. Our contact center will contact to schedule an appointment with you for the installation.
  3. Show up with your vehicle at the allocated location and time.
Terms and Conditions:
  1. Drivers must be verified as an airasia ride driver.
  2. Drivers need to register via link given.
  3. Drivers would then need to wait for our team to call and make an appointment.
  4. Drivers are required to submit their vehicle photo every 15th of the month.
  5. Drivers would need to check their inbox in the driver’s app on every 15th of the month.
  6. Drivers who had their sticker installed after the 15th of the month will not be eligible for the first month payment.
  7. Payment will be credited in driver’s cash wallet at the first week of the month.
  8. Drivers who failed to upload their photos will not be eligible for the payment.
  9. Drivers are not allowed to have any other stickers on their vehicle when they are in this program.
  10. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Shell Bonuslink Rewards

Earn up to 2x bonuslink points when you pump in Shell!

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Register your bonuslink card via link given : airasia ride with Shell.
  2. BonusLink points will be credited into your account on a monthly basis, within 2 weeks at the end of every month. This promo is valid from now till 30 Nov 2022.
  3. Spend a minimum of RM350 to earn 2 extra points per litre.
  4. Spend a minimum of RM250 to earn 1 extra point per litre.
  5. Spend a minimum of RM150 to earn 0.5 extra points per litre.
  6. Each driver must have a registered BonusLink account to be entitled for rewards.
  7. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

90% OFF AirAsia Flights

[Coming Soon] AirAsia Flights at 90% OFF. Eligible captain ranked drivers can now purchase AirAsia Flight tickets at 90% off the base fare for a period of 6 months upon activation.

How to redeem:
  1. Selected Captains will be notified through airasia ride’s driver inbox.
  2. Captains will have further instructions from airasia ride team on the onboarding of this perks.
Terms and Conditions:
  1. To be entitled, drivers must be in 'Captain Rank' for 3 consecutive months.
  2. he promo will be made available for 6 months upon entitlement.
  3. Discounted flights are applicable to both domestic and international flights.
  4. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Autohaus KL

Terms and Conditions:
  1. This offer is valid at all Autohaus KL’s branch, visit this website to find the nearest branch to you.
  2. Payment can be made by cash, credit card or Atome (3x installment, 0% interest).
  3. This offer is only for registered airasia ride drivers and cars.
  4. This offer ends on 30 Apr 2023.
  5. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Liqui Moly

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Service packages are available at selected LIQUI MOLY service partners only, visit this page to see all service panel available in Malaysia.
  2. Price included OEM oil filter and labour charges.
  3. airasia ride drivers must show his/her airasia ID prior to redemption.
  4. Registered vehicles must be presented and serviced at LIQUI MOLY service partners to enjoy these service packages. Engine oil and oil filter takeaway is not allowed.
  5. Surcharge may be applied in any of these conditions:
    1. for original oil filter
    2. for additional engine oils on vehicle that requires more than 4L engine oil capacity
    3. for diesel engine vehicle with engine capacity above 2,000 cc
    4. for American and continental brand vehicles
  6. Liqui Moly Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd. reserves the right to amend the Terms & Conditions of this campaign at any time with prior notice.
  7. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Car Battery KL

Enjoy up to RM80 OFF car battery replacements.

Promotion period: 30 April 2022 - 30 April 2023
Battery Size Market Price AirAsia Rides
NS40 (38B20L) RM230 RM208
NS60L/R (46B24L/R) RM250 RM228
55B24LS RM315 RM286
55D23L RM340 RM308
NS70L/R (65D26L/R) RM340 RM308
95D31L/R RM420 RM383
DIN 55L/R RM360 RM328
DIN 74 RM550 RM498
DIN 80 RM690 RM620
DIN 100 RM750 RM670
Q85 EFB (90D23L) RM525 RM480
S95 EFB (105D26L) RM550 RM505
M42 EFB (50B20L) RM300 RM270
Terms and Conditions:
  1. All price is inclusive of trade-in and installation at Car Battery KL (Amazoom Battery Sdn Bhd).
  2. Warranty period:
    1. 1 year warranty for all petrol vehicles.
    2. 9 months warranty for all diesel vehicles.
  3. We provide genuine manufacturer warranty with online registration.
  4. All warranty claims must be handled at Car Battery KL.
  5. Additional charges will incur for onsite warranty services.
  6. We accept payment via cash, QR pay, and bank transfer.
  7. Visit Car Battery KL or call for booking (012-3662441).
  8. Amazoom Battery Sdn Bhd, 22, Jalan Perisa 1, Taman Bukit Indah, 58200 Kuala Lumpur.
  9. This offer is not redeemable together with any Organiser’s ongoing promotions, discounts, and vouchers.
  10. This Offer is not exchangeable for cash / kind / other denominations and is non-refundable.
  11. These Specific Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Malaysia.
  12. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Rodeo AutoSpa’s Premium Car Wash Package

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Valid until 22 October 2022.
  2. The redemption of the offer is strictly limited to the following:
  3. Car Type Original Price Discounted Price
    Sedan RM20 RM15
    MPV RM30 RM20
    *Package includes premium car wash and vacuum.
  4. The offer is only available at Rodeo AutoSpa, 127, Jalan Maarof, Bangsar, 59000 Kuala Lumpur.
  5. Driver must be a valid and verified driver with airasia ride.
  6. Driver shall bring and send in its vehicle to Rodeo AutoSpa for offer redemption.
  7. Driver must present their driver ID on the airasia driver app for verification purposes upon redemption.
  8. Driver must successfully booked an appointment via phone call (+6011-1428 2317).
  9. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

OTOstar’s Exclusive Car Wash Package

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Promotion period: 1 May 2022 - 1 May 2023.
  2. The redemption of the offer is strictly limited to the following:
  3. Car Size Original Price Discounted Price
    Small & Medium RM28 RM15
    Large RM32 RM18
    Extra Large RM38 RM22
    *Package includes signature wash, water wax and vacuum.
  4. The offer is only available at OTOstar, 22A-1, Jalan PJU 5/11 Dataran Sunway, Kota Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
  5. Driver must be a valid and verified driver with airasia ride.
  6. Driver shall bring and send in its vehicle to Rodeo AutoSpa for offer redemption.
  7. Driver must present their driver ID on the airasia driver app for verification purposes upon redemption.
  8. Driver must successfully booked an appointment via phone call (010-653 6616).
  9. All walk-ins are welcomed, appointment not necessary.
  10. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Pott Glasses

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Click here to choose for the outlet you want to visit.
  2. Driver must enter promo code [AADRIVER150] at checkout to be entitled to the discount.
  3. Driver must present airasia ride driver app as proof.
  4. The offer is applicable for sunglasses and prescription glasses.
  5. The offer cannot be combined with any other offer or discount.
  6. The offer is available online and in-stores.
  7. Valid from 1 June 2022 to 31 May 2023.
  8. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Terms and Conditions:
  1. To sign up for Hotlink Postpaid Plan, visit this website.
  2. Subscribe to the Hotlink Postpaid Plan at an exclusive pricing as stipulated below:
    1. Hotlink Postpaid 40 on a 12-month contract basis with a monthly fee of RM40.
    2. Hotlink Postpaid 60 on a 12-month contract basis, in addition to a RM20 off each for the first 5 months of subscription, and an extra 10GB for all usage every month with a monthly fee of RM60.
  3. Each eligible subscriber will receive one (1) RM20 airasia food voucher via email.
  4. Promo is valid until 30 June 2023.
  5. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.


30% OFF Car Mats and Air Purifier!

Terms and Conditions:
  1. The offer is available online and in-stores.
  2. Click here to choose your preferred outlet, or shop online: Trapo Eco Car Mat & Oxtra Air Purifier Lite.
  3. The offer is applicable for Trapo Eco car mat and Oxtra Air Purifier Lite only.
  4. Driver must enter promo code at checkout for the discount:
    1. Trapo Eco car mat: TrapoEco30
    2. Oxtra Air Purifier Lite: TrapoPurifier30
  5. Driver must present airasia ride driver app during purchase.
  6. The offer cannot be combined with any other offer or discount.
  7. Valid from 8 August 2022 to 31 December 2022.
  8. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Penang Adventist Hospital

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Drivers are given a RM50 discount off the Essential Package. Price after discount: RM430.
  2. No redemption limit.
  3. For verification purposes, present your airasia ride driver app at the reception of Penang Adventist Hospital to redeem.
  4. This promo is valid until 26 June 2023.
  5. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

airasia food Voucher

Terms and Conditions:
  1. Promo codes will be sent through the inbox of the driver’s app.
  2. The promo code is valid from 1st July 2022 to 31st Dec 2022.
  3. Promo code is capped to 2 redemptions per user..
  4. The promo codes are applicable on airasia food via AirAsia MOVE or website.
  5. Promo code is applicable for self pick up only.
  6. All products displayed for purchase are subject to availability.
  7. Promo codes are not stackable with other ongoing promo codes/vouchers.
  8. Promo codes are not usable with airasia Points. No extension or replacement for promo codes that are discontinued, canceled, or used improperly whether due to fraud or technical issues.
  9. For a full Terms and Conditions, please refer to AirAsia Ride Drivers' Benefit T&C.

Last update: 31 May 2022

AirAsia Ride Passenger Terms and Conditions (Thailand)

This terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) shall govern the booking of a ride made through the AirAsia MOVE (“Book a Ride, Booking a Ride”) (“Application Service”) and the performance of the ride to the selected destination by the Driver (hereinafter defined) (“Transportation Service”) and shall be the legally binding document between you and Velox Technology (Thailand) Company Limited (“AirAsia Ride, us, our, we”).

By Booking a Ride and using the Application Service, you are deemed to have read, understood and expressly agreed to be bound by this Terms and Conditions, which may be amended, modified, added, deleted and/or corrected at any time. Therefore, we would advise you to review this Terms and Conditions periodically to be aware of such changes. Further, you agree and accept that the updated Terms and Conditions shall supersede all previous versions of the Terms and Conditions with automatic effect once they are posted on our Application and/or the airasia.com website, without any further action by us and that you shall be bound by terms of the most recent version of the Terms and Conditions found on the Application and/or the airasia.com website.

In addition to this Term and Conditions, you shall also be bound by the Term of Use and the Privacy Statement, which may be amended and/or revised from time to time.

You acknowledge that the AirAsia Ride App is only a platform for you to Book a Ride (“App”) with an available driver. Further, you agree that the Service is performed and fulfilled by the driver who is an independent third party and not an employee of AirAsia Ride (“Driver”).

You acknowledge that the AirAsia MOVE is only a platform for you to Book a Ride (“Application”) with an available driver. Further, you agree that the Transportation Service is performed and fulfilled by the driver who is an independent third party and not an employee of AirAsia Ride (“Driver”).

Book a Ride

  1. To Book a Ride, you must have the legal capacity to be bound by this Terms and Conditions and that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. As and when requested, you shall provide us with your personal identification document(s) for security and identity verification purposes.
  2. To Book a Ride, you are required to be an AirAsia member and log on to the AirAsia membership account. You can register to be an AirAsia member here.
  3. You are responsible to provide all information required in the Application for the purpose of provision and fulfillment of the Transportation Service and to update your personal information in the Application from time to time to ensure it is accurate and current.
  4. As and when requested to do so, you shall provide the actual number of passengers when you Book a Ride. You further acknowledge and agree that if the number of passengers is untrue or inaccurate, the Driver is entitled to cancel your booking and may charge a Cancellation Fee as per the Cancellation Policy as set out below.
  5. You will have the option to give consent and allow access for the Application to the use of the Global Positioning System (GPS). We recommend that you provide your consent so that the Application will be able to indicate locations accurately.
  6. You shall select the accurate pick-up and/or drop-off locations before you confirm Booking a Ride.
  7. Changes in pick-up and/or drop-off locations are not allowed. Kindly ensure that your pick-up and/or drop-off locations are accurate prior to Booking a Ride. Should you wish to change your pick-up and/or drop-off locations, kindly cancel the existing Book a Ride, and book a new ride with the accurate location.
  8. You are advised to confirm Booking a Ride only when you are ready to travel. In the event that the Driver has been waiting for longer than five (5) minutes, the Driver has the right to terminate the Book a Ride.
  9. You are entitled to cancel the Book a Ride if you notice that the vehicle or Driver’s details do not match the details shown in the AirAsia MOVE. Should there be any payment made under such circumstances, you will be entitled to a refund, if you are able to provide sufficient evidence of the incorrect details.


  1. You are required to make payment for the charges incurred for the provision of the Transportation Service including any applicable tolls, taxes and any other fees or charges due.
  2. You may select the method of payment at the time of Book a Ride, which may be in the form of cash, Card (defined below), BigPoints (coming soon), e-Wallet or one of the automated payment methods made available on the Application from time to time. Any method of payment so selected is non-changeable and irrevocable.
  3. Despite selecting cash or e-Wallet as the method of Payment, you are advised to register at least one valid automated payment method in the Application prior to Book a Ride. Automated payment methods shall be in the form of credit card or debit card (“Card”).
  4. You shall register a valid Card that belongs to you in accordance with the step-by-step instructions as provided in the Application. In the event the Card belongs to another person, you hereby warrant and represent that you have obtained the permission from such person to use the Card for the payment of the Transportation Service. You agree that we and/or other designated persons may verify and authenticate the Card details when you first register the Card in the Application as well as when you Book a Ride.
  5. Should you select BigPoints as the method of Payment, you acknowledge that you shall be governed by the terms and conditions of BigLife Sdn Bhd, which can be found here.
  6. If the tipping feature is available in the Application, you may pre-set a default “tip” amount when you Book a Ride. This will automatically be included in the total payment due after the Transportation Service has been provided, and is given to the Driver.
  7. We may, in our sole discretion, create promotional codes that may be redeemed for the booking of the Transportation Services, subject to any additional terms that AirAsia Ride establishes on a per promotional code basis.
  8. Passengers should not remit any additional payment to the Driver apart from the total payable amount reflected in the Application. AirAsia Ride’s records will be the source of truth and we shall not be responsible for any dispute of payment exceeding the total amount payable reflected in the Application.

Cancellation Policy

  1. You may cancel your Book a Ride at any time before a Driver is assigned to you.
  2. If you decide to cancel your Book a Ride or do not show up at the designated location where the Driver is supposed to pick you up, you agree that you may be charged a fee (“Cancellation Fee”) which will be reflected in your next Book a Ride as stipulated in this cancellation policy.
  3. If you feel you were incorrectly charged a Cancellation Fee, you may contact AirAsia Ride’s chat support available in the Application. AirAsia Ride reserves its absolute discretion to any refunds to you.


  1. If you wish to apply for a refund, you may do so in accordance with the AirAsia Ride refund policy.
  2. Refund for all mode of payments;
    • Submission of refund shall be made to AirAsia Ride’s chat support and our team will be in touch with you for an investigation for approval.
    • Upon approval of refund, we will refund you through the AirAsia Ride “Cash Wallet” where you will be able to perform the withdrawal of funds to your designated bank account.
    • Upon request for withdrawal of funds from the “Cash Wallet” please allow three (3) working days for us to proceed with the withdrawal process.

Rights and Obligations

  1. This Transportation Service can be procured by you for yourself or for the use by other persons with or without your company. Should you procure the Transportation Service for another person without your company, you shall ensure such person must have attained the minimum age of twelve (12) years old to be an unaccompanied passenger (“Unaccompanied Minor”). Further, you agree that you shall assume the primary responsibility of the conduct and/or behavior of such person during the use of the Transportation Service including the Unaccompanied Minor;
  2. You shall behave appropriately and in good manners and shall not discriminate against or harass anyone on the basis of race, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, age or sexual orientation;
  3. You shall not request your Driver to speed or commit traffic violations, including dropping off and/or picking up at illegal or unsafe locations.
  4. You shall always wear seat belts at all times during the Transportation Service provision and shall ensure such other persons traveling with or without you to do the same. If you are travelling with children or babies, you shall be responsible to ensure that the appropriate safety measures as per the applicable laws are in place throughout the provision of the Transportation Service.
  5. You must abide by the Standard Operating Procedures (“SOP”) set by the relevant regulatory authorities, including but not limited to, the number of passenger(s) allowed in the vehicle and wearing face masks. The Driver has the option to reject your Book a Ride should you not follow the relevant SOP.
  6. You shall be penalised by law for any attempts to vandalise, damage, theft or robbery to the Driver’s vehicle.
  7. In the event that you suspect your Driver to be under the influence of illegal substances, you have the right to terminate the Transportation Service and report to the local authorities and/or us.
  8. In the event of an emergency, you shall contact the authorities first. Once all parties are safe and the authorities have been contacted, you may report the incident to us. For the avoidance of doubt, there is an “SOS” feature available in the Application which allows you to contact the authorities in the event of an emergency.
  9. You reserve the right to cancel your Book a Ride at any time before the commencement of the Transportation Service. However, such cancellation may be subject to a Cancellation Fee as stipulated above.
  10. You must ensure that face masks are to be worn at all times by you and the Driver in order to prevent the infection and spread of Covid-19.
  11. You shall be responsible for your own personal belongings. We will not compensate for any losses suffered for loss of personal belongings.
  12. You are not allowed to contact your Driver after the Transportation Service has completed. Except in the event that you necessarily believe that you have lost an item, you may contact your Driver and arrange for a collection.
  13. Upon completion of the Transportation Service, you shall have the option to rate your Driver and to provide feedback.


  1. These Terms and Conditions will prevail over any inconsistent terms, conditions, provisions or representations contained in any other promotional materials regarding AirAsia Ride. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms in this Terms and Conditions and other provisions or materials, this Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
  2. We shall not be liable for any failure to comply with or for any delay in performing our obligations where the failure is caused by something outside our reasonable control. Such circumstances shall include, but not limited to, weather conditions, fire, flood, hurricane, strike, industrial dispute, war, hostilities, political unrest, riots, civil commotion, epidemic and pandemic as pronounced by the World Health Organisation, inevitable accidents, supervening legislation or any other circumstances of whatsoever nature beyond the control of ours.
  3. We reserve the right at its sole discretion to vary, delete or add to any of the Terms and Conditions contained herein and/or cancel, terminate or suspend your Book a Ride from time to time without any prior notice, and such revised terms and conditions will be posted on the Application immediately. For the avoidance of doubt, cancellation, termination or suspension by us of your access to the Application or Book a Ride shall not entitle you to any claim or compensation against us for any and all losses or damage howsoever arising, whether or not we or you have been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage.
  4. You agree to defend and indemnify us and any of our officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claims, causes of action, demands, recoveries, losses, damages, fines, penalties or other costs or expenses of any kind or nature including but not limited to reasonable legal fees, brought by third parties, including the Driver, as a result of your breach of this Terms and Conditions and your violation of any rights or applicable laws.
  5. We shall bear no responsibility for any damage, loss (including but not limited to direct, indirect and consequential loss), liability, injury or disappointment incurred or suffered by you) in connection with the Transportation Service, the promotion of this Transportation Service, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).
  6. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Thailand.

Last update: 31 May 2022

Passenger Terms of use (Thailand)

This page sets out the terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”) for using the www.airasia.com website, airasia.com mobile application and any subsisting page within the airasia.com domain (collectively known as “Website”). The Website is owned and operated by Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd) and/or its subsidiaries, including but limited to Velox Technology (Thailand) Company Limited (“VT”), a limited company incorporated in Thailand with company registration no. 0105561066969.



  1. Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd), its subsidiaries and/or its affiliated companies (“AirAsia, “we”, “us”, “our””), are indirectly owned by AirAsia Group Berhad (“AAGB”), a public company listed on Bursa Malaysia. Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd) and AirAsia MOVE Sdn Bhd (“AA Superapp”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of AirAsia Digital Sdn Bhd (“AAD”) which is a wholly owned subsidiary of AAGB. VT is a wholly owned subsidiary of AA Superapp. AAGB, AAD, AA Superapp, VT and its respective affiliates shall collectively be known as AirAsia Group of Companies. For avoidance of doubt, affiliates shall mean an entity, present and future, that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with AirAsia. The term “control” (including the terms “controlled by” and “under common control with”) means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of AirAsia, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.
  2. This Website is managed and operated out of Malaysia with the server located in Malaysia. Though this Website may be accessible from anywhere in the world, the availability of the functions, products, and services discussed, mentioned, supplied, and provided through or on this Website may vary by country or region. Should you choose to visit this Website from countries or regions outside of Malaysia, you do so on your own volition and shall use our Website only as permitted by your local laws.
  3. Through the Website, we make available for sale a wide variety of products and services related to travel, lifestyle, daily essentials, healthcare as well as financial services (collectively known as “Products and Services''). Should you wish to purchase these Products and Services, you may be directed to another External Site (hereunder defined) which may contain its own respective terms of use. If you wish to continue with the purchase of the Product and Service, you agree to be additionally bound by the specific terms of use applicable to the particular Product and Service.
  4. In the event of conflict between this Terms of Use and specific terms of use, the latter shall prevail. We reserve the right to amend, modify, add, delete and make corrections to this Terms of Use at any time and would advise you to review these Terms of Use and any specific terms of use periodically to be aware of such modifications. In any event, we will notify users of any modification by updating the terms on our website @www.airasia.com (“Website”) and by including a "NEWLY UPDATED" label for a period of 30 days. After the 30-days’ period, the updated version(s) of this Terms of Use shall supersede all previous versions of the Terms of Use with automatic effect, without any further action by us. You acknowledge and agree that you shall be bound by the terms of the most recent version of theTerms of Use found on the Website.

Intellectual Property Right

  1. You acknowledge and agree that all copyright, database rights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights or other property rights relating to the Website, including but not limited to content, in whichever form, and lay out, shall remain at all times vested in us or their respective owner.
  2. The contents of our Website are intended for your personal non-commercial use only. Graphics and images on this Website are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner without our written permission. Modification of any of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose will be a violation of our copyright and other intellectual property rights and the copyright and intellectual property rights of the respective owners.
  3. This Website and the Products and Services, technology and processes contained may be the subject of other intellectual property rights owned by AirAsia Group of Companies or by third parties. No licence is granted in respect of such intellectual property rights other than as set out in this Terms of Use. Your use of this Website must not in any way infringe the intellectual property rights of any party.


  1. Whilst every effort is made to update the information contained on this Website, neither AirAsia, AirAsia Group of Companies nor any third party or data or content owner/provider make any representations or warranties, whether express, implied in law or residual, as to the sequence, accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, opinions, any share price information, research information, data and/or content contained on the Website (including but not limited to any information which may be provided by any third party or data or content providers) (“Information”) and shall not be bound in any manner by any information contained on the Website.
  2. The Company reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue without notice, any aspect or feature of this Website. No information shall be construed as advice and the information contained in the Website is offered for information purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes. You rely on the information contained on this Website at your own discretion. If you find an error or omission at this site, you can let us know by contacting us in the manner described at the Contact Us section below.

Use of Website

  1. By using this Website;
    1. You warrant that you have reached the age of majority and have capacity to enter into a legally binding contract in the territory in which you reside and that you will only use this Website to make legitimate purchases;
    2. It is your responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through the Website meet your specific requirements;
    3. You will be fully responsible for all matters arising from your use of this Website;
    4. You will not use this Website in any manner which breaches any applicable laws and regulations;
    5. You will not interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation or functionality of the Website and not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access, via whatever means, to our systems;
    6. You agree that we have the right to send you administrative and promotional emails. We may also send you information regarding your account activity and purchases, as well as updates about the Website, Products and Services, new products and/or services as well as any other promotional offers. You are able to opt-out of receiving our promotional e-mails or to unsubscribe such information at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of such e-mail correspondence; and
    7. You acknowledge that the Products and Services available on the Website may be provided by third parties and you accept that these third parties will have their own applicable terms and conditions in relation to the supply of Products and Services, in which you are further subjected to and shall abide by those additional terms and conditions.

Restriction and Prohibition of Use of this Website

  1. By using this Website including the posting of content and commentary in the Website’s community and chatting channel, or other public communication forums hosted on this Website, you agree that you will not upload, post or otherwise transmit or make available any content (including text links, communications, software, images, sounds, data or other information) that is not consistent with the permissible uses outlined in this Terms of Use including, but not limited to the following:
    1. False, inaccurate, misleading, unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortuous, harassing, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, vulgar, profane, sexually oriented/suggestive/explicit, obscene, racially or ethnically offensive or otherwise objectionable;
    2. Violates any laws, third party rights, or infringes on any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;
    3. Attempt to use the Website with crawlers, robots, data mining, extraction tools or any other functionality;
    4. Contains software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or any other computer code or files that are designed to disrupt, damage or limit the functioning of any software or hardware;
    5. Provides any non-public information about AirAsia, AirAsia Group of Companies or any other company or person without the proper authorization to do so. This includes providing the names, addresses and extension numbers of AirAsia and AirAsia Group of Companies’ employees and any of the Website’s users;
    6. Intentionally interferes with the operation of any of the Website and/or Products and Services included in this Website without limitation, mail or ‘post’ bombing, news bombing, other flooding techniques, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks;
    7. Impersonates any person or entity, including AirAsia and AirAsia Group of Companies’ employees or forges any TCP-IP packet header, email header or any part of a message header. This prohibition does not include the use of aliases or anonymous remailers;
    8. Linking to this Website without obtaining the prior written approval of AirAsia; and
    9. Use of any automated screen capture or screen scraping technologies to obtain information from this site without the prior written approval of AirAsia is an infringement of AirAsia’s intellectual property rights.

External and Third Party Sites

  1. This Website may contain links to websites maintained by third parties (“External Sites”). These External Sites are provided to redirect you to another website to enable purchase of Products and Services, or for your reference and convenience only. AirAsia does not operate, control or endorse in any respect such External Sites or their content. You assume sole responsibility for use of these External Sites and are therefore advised to examine the terms and conditions of those External Sites carefully.

Contact Us

  1. Should you have any queries or complaints regarding this Website and this Terms of Use, please send an email to [email protected].

Our Privacy Statement

  1. We regard your privacy as important. For more detailed information on how we collect and process your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Statement. By using our Website, you consent to the processing of your personal information as described in our Privacy Statement as may be amended from time to time.

Specific Terms and Conditions of Products and Services

  1. For further information regarding the Products and Services offered for sale on the Website, you can read the specific terms and conditions applicable to the relevant products or services here.

Liability and Indemnity

  1. The content on this Website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. You therefore agree that your use of this Website and the Products and Services offered for sale on this Website are provided at your sole risk. AirAsia, our officers, directors, employees, partners and suppliers disclaim:
    1. all warranties or representations of any kind regarding this Website ,its operations or the accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, or quality of any information, content or material included herein;
    2. to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, all conditions and warranties, express and implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement;
    3. all liability to you or anyone else for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive loss or damage (including without limitation loss of revenue, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation and loss of, or damage to, data), incurred or suffered in connection with the use or inability to use this Website whether based in contract, tort or otherwise even if we are informed of their possibility; and
    4. all liability to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with use of this Website or an external site. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for use from this Website is free of viruses or anything else that may interfere with or damage the operation of your computer systems

  2. In the event of any third-party request, loss, liability, proposition, or expense (including lawyer's fees) brought against AirAsia arising from or relating to your usage of this Website and/or the Products and Services, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, our directors, employees, agents, partners, affiliates and other licensed persons, harmless at all time.

Governing Law and Venue

  1. This Website is governed by the laws of Thailand and should there be any dispute arising from your use of this Website, you further agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Thai courts.


  1. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Terms of Use, the specific terms and conditions or Privacy Statement.
  2. AirAsia does not guarantee it will take action against all breaches of the provisions of this Terms of Use. The failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not amount to waiver of our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. This Terms of Use set forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and AirAsia with respect to its subject matter.
  3. AirAsia may terminate your use of this Website or any of the Products and Services at any time for any reason or no reason, with or without notice. This Terms of Use and the specific terms and conditions, if applicable, shall continue to govern all use of this Website and the particular Products and Service notwithstanding any termination, suspension, or cancellation.

General Terms

  1. Entire Agreement - The AirAsia Ride Terms and Conditions, this Terms of Use and the Privacy Statement constitute the sole record of the agreement between you and the Company in relation to your use of the Website. Neither you nor the Company shall be bound by any express, tacit or implied representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein. Unless otherwise specifically stated these Website terms and conditions supersede and replace all prior commitments, undertakings or representations, whether written or oral, between you and the Company in respect of your use of the Website.
  2. Waiver - No indulgence or extension of time which either you or the Company may grant to the other will constitute a waiver of or, whether by estoppels or otherwise, limit any of the existing or future rights of the grantor in terms hereof, save in the event or to the extent that the grantor has signed a written document expressly waiving or limiting such rights.
  3. Cession - The Company shall be entitled to cede, assign and delegate all or any of its rights and obligations in terms of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices to any third-party.
  4. Severability - Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. All provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices are, notwithstanding the manner in which they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other. Any provision of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices, which is or becomes unenforceable in any jurisdiction, whether due to voidness, invalidity, illegality, unlawfulness or for any reason whatever, shall, in such jurisdiction only and only to the extent that it is so unenforceable, be treated as pro non scripto and the remaining provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices shall remain in full force and effect.

Last update: 14 September 2022

AirAsia Ride Drivers Terms and Conditions (Thailand)

This terms and conditions of AirAsia Ride Drivers, Term of Use (as defined below) and the Code of Conduct (as defined below) shall govern the relationship between Velox Technology (Thailand) Company Limited (“Airasia Ride” or “we”) and you as a third party independent driver (“Driver” or “you”), which is to be read together and shall collectively represent a legally binding agreement between you and AirAsia Ride (the “Agreement”).

AirAsia Ride is the licensor and operator of AirAsia Ride drivers’ application and AirAsia MOVE (“Application”) mobile application (“Platform”) for the purpose of enabling users seeking transportation services (“Passenger”) to certain destinations to be matched with you (“Transportation Service”), in exchange for a certain fare (“Application Service”).

By clicking the Accept & Agree button in the Driver’s registration form, you agree that you have read, understood, and expressly accepted and agreed with all terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to be bound by this Agreement, you may not access or use any part of the Application Service.

  1. Term

    This Agreement shall commence on the date where your registration as a Driver is confirmed by AirAsia Ride (“Effective Date”) and shall continue indefinitely unless terminated pursuant to Clause 9 below in this Agreement (“Term”).

  2. Grant of Rights

    From the Effective Date and in exchange for the remuneration, AirAsia Ride hereby grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to use and access the Application to enable you to perform the Transportation Service subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (“Grant of Rights”). You shall also abide by and adhere to the Term of Use of the Application for the Drivers as stipulated under Schedule A (“Term of Use”) at all times, which may be amended and/or revised by AirAsia Ride from time to time. You are advised to keep yourself updated with the latest version of the Term of Use.

  3. Drivers’ Responsibility
  4. 3.1
    During the Term of this Agreement, you undertake that:

    you possess a valid driver’s license and/or a public vehicle service license (“PSV License”), as the case maybe, in order to operate a motor vehicle including all the other required licenses, approvals, authorities and consents as required by the applicable laws in order to provide the Transportation Service in the territory in which you are registered to use the Application Services (“Territory”) as specified in the registered account you obtain to access the Application Service (“Account”);
    you own or have the legal right and authority to operate the vehicle, and that the vehicle which you intend to use when performing the Transportation Service (“Vehicle”), is in good operating condition and meets the applicable industry safety and maintenance standards for Vehicles of its kind, and is in a clean and comfortable condition suitable for the provision of the applicable Transportation Service;
    you shall possess and maintain the necessary insurance policy required under the applicable laws for third party and public liability coverage for the Vehicle and to cover any anticipated losses incurred as a result of performing the Transportation Service;
    you shall carry out the performance of the Transportation Service in compliance with the applicable laws and in the manner as stipulated under Schedule B (“Code of Conduct”);
    you agree to assist us with any internal or external investigations as may be required by us in complying with any prevailing laws or regulations in place; and
    you shall not, at any time after accepting a Book a Ride, unreasonably cancel the performance of Transportation Service to such booking.
    You are the provider of the Transportation Service and shall therefore be solely responsible for the safe, efficient and proper performance of the Transportation Service using all reasonable care and skill. You shall be solely responsible for providing all necessary equipment, materials, tools and other items necessary for the safe, efficient and proper performance of the Transportation Service. You are responsible for your own safety, and that of users, in the performance of the Transportation Service, and you shall take all necessary precautions.

  5. Payments
  6. Payment Terms for Drivers

    AirAsia Ride charges a fee for your use of the Application Service (“Commission“). The Commission shall be a percentage of the fee charged to passengers, as determined by us from time to time. The percentage of Commission shall be based on the category of drivers and vehicles and will be displayed to you in the Application.
    The Commission is payable by you immediately and non-refundable. This no-refund policy shall apply at all times regardless of your decision to terminate this Agreement, our decision to terminate or suspend your access to the Application, disruption caused to the Transportation Service whether planned, accidental or intentional, or any reason whatsoever.
    You acknowledge and confirm that we may collect on your behalf the total due to you for certain payment methods chosen by the Passenger. We retain the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to suspend or cancel the processing of any transaction, terminate your Account, temporarily or permanently withhold/forfeit your earnings, or take any other actions as AirAsia Ride may deem necessary or appropriate by giving you a notice, where we reasonably believe that the transaction may be fraudulent, illegal or involves any criminal activity or where you and/or the Passenger have breached any of the terms in this Agreement. In such an event, you shall not hold us liable for any withholding of, delay in, suspension, forfeiture or cancellation of, any payment(s) to you.
    We may, at its sole discretion, make promotional offers with different features and different rates on the Application Service to any of the Passenger whereby these promotional offers shall accordingly be honored by you. We may change the Commission rate at any time at our sole discretion.
    We retain the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to suspend or cancel the processing of any job available on the Application, terminate your Account, temporarily or permanently withhold or forfeit your earnings, or take any other actions as we may deem necessary or appropriate by contacting you or giving you a notice, where it reasonably believes that the transaction may be fraudulent, illegal or involves any criminal activity or where you have breached any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement. In such an event, you shall not hold AirAsia Ride liable for any withholding of, delay in, suspension, forfeiture or cancellation of, any payment(s) to you.

    Driver’s Cash Wallet

    AirAsia Ride shall administer payments to you and from you by way of a wallet system (the “Driver’s Cash Wallet”). Your earnings will be displayed in the Driver’s Cash Wallet in the Application and may be withdrawn by you to your designated bank account. AirAsia Ride reserves the right to make such deductions from the Driver’s Cash Wallet as are provided for in these terms and conditions, as are authorized by you, or as are notified to you via the Application.

    Driver’s Credit Wallet

    In addition to your Driver’s Cash Wallet, you must also maintain with us a Driver’s Credit Wallet. The Driver’s Credit Wallet store credits comprises a pre-payment to us by you of the Commission and other fees and charges applicable due and payable by you to us. You must at all times maintain a minimum credit balance (“Minimum Balance”) in your Driver’s Credit Wallet in order for you to use the Application Service. The amount of such Minimum Balance shall be prescribed by us, and shall be notified to you through the Application. It may be changed at any time at our sole discretion.
    You may add funds (“Credits”) to your Driver’s Credit Wallet to fulfill the Minimum Balance requirement. The Minimum Balance you may hold in the Driver’s Credit Wallet at any time shall be prescribed by us and shall be notified to you through the Application which may be changed at any time at our sole discretion. Balance may be added in any manner prescribed by us from time to time (such as cash reload and credit/debit card payments or transfer from your Driver’s Cash Wallet).
    Credits are not redeemable for cash and cannot be refunded. They cannot be resold, exchanged or transferred for value under any circumstances. The Credits shall not be regarded, construed, or used as valuable or exchangeable instruments under any circumstances. You will not receive interest or other earnings on your Credits. We may receive interest on amounts that we hold on your behalf. You agree to assign your rights to us for any interest derived from your Credits.
    Credits in the Driver’s Credit Wallet will expire one (1) year from the date of your last top up. If there should be any balance upon the expiration of Credit, the balance will not be refunded. To avoid any forfeiture of credit, we advise you to perform a top up once before the expiration of credit for the total credit to be extended for another one (1) year.

  7. Taxes
  8. You are accountable for paying any tax due in respect of sums payable to you under or in connection with this Agreement. You also acknowledge and agree that the Commission charged to you is inclusive of all and any applicable value added tax that are applicable and imposed pursuant to the local laws of Thailand.

  9. Cancellation
  10. The Passengers rely on you for provision of the Transportation Service. You acknowledge and agree that high and/or frequent cancellation rates or ignoring the Passengers’ bookings will impair the Passengers’ experience and negatively impact the reputation and branding of AirAsia Ride. Should you be found to have violated this Clause, we shall reserve the right to take any appropriate measure against you including but not limited to restricting your Transportation Service.

  11. Refund for Driver’s Credit Wallet
  12. 7.1
    Submission of refund and/or claim for underpayment of your earnings from the Transportation Service (collectively referred to as the “Refund”) shall be made to us via available contact channels and our team will be in touch with you. All Refund requests will be subject to investigation prior to approval of the Refund. Should the investigation reveal that the Refund request has no basis, AirAsia Ride reserves the right to not approve your request.
    Upon approval of the Refund, we will refund any fee wrongly charged to your Driver’s Credit Wallet.
    The refund will be processed within seven (7) working days upon our receipt of the Refund.

  13. Incentive for Driver
  14. At the sole discretion of ours, you may be selected as part of AirAsia Ride Driver’s incentive program. The incentive program will be communicated to you through the Applications and any applicable terms and conditions shall be communicated and made available to you through the in-app messaging function of the Application, chat, email or any other functions as deemed appropriate by AirAsia Ride. Such intensive program may be subject to expenses and applicable tax.

  15. Suspension and Termination
  16. 9.1
    We reserve the right to suspend the Application Service and the Grant of Rights due to the following events:
    Breach of the Agreement: You acknowledge and agree that a failure to comply with this Agreement, including the Term of Use may result in suspension of the Grant of Rights.
    Maintenance and/or External Factors: You agree that we may do any of the following, at any time, without notice:
    1. to modify, suspend or terminate operation of or access to the Application, or any portion of the Application (including access to your Account and/or the availability of any products or services), for any reason;
    2. to modify or change any applicable policies or terms; and/or
    3. to interrupt the operation of the Application or any portion of the Application (including access to your Account and/or the availability of any products or services), as necessary to perform routine or non-routine maintenance, error correction, or other changes.

    We shall not be required to compensate you for any suspension or termination of this Agreement.

    In the event, we have received a complaint from the User or it comes to our attention that you are in breach of your obligations under Clause 3 of this Agreement, Code of Conduct and/or Term of Use, we reserve our right to immediately suspend your access to the Application or any features and services available in the Application. Our team will contact you within one (1) working day or at earliest practicable time after the suspension to proceed with our internal investigation process (“Suspension Period”). During the Suspension Period, you are required to make yourself available and contactable and you are not permitted to perform any act for and on behalf of AirAsia on any and all matters.
    We may offer you a chance to remedy your breach pursuant to the above paragraph, if the breach is capable of remedy, and in the event, you have failed to remedy such breach within seven (7) days (unless otherwise stated in this Agreement), or any other extended period as agreed by us, we shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement.
    Notwithstanding any provisions contained herein, we reserve the right to immediately terminate this Agreement upon providing you with a written notice in the event you are in breach of Clause 3 Drivers’ Responsibility, Clause 11 Intellectual Property Rights, Clause 12 Confidentiality, Clause 13 Data Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy and Clause 20 Assignment.
    In addition to Clause 9.3 above, we may terminate this Agreement by written notice with a notice period of thirty (30) days without the need to assign any reason thereof.
    On termination or expiry of this Agreement for any reason, you shall:
    immediately delete and fully remove the Application from your Device;
    immediately cease using the Application Services (save to the extent that you are permitted to use the Application); and
    promptly (and in any event within three (3) days), pay any money owed to AirAsia (which shall become immediately due and payable on termination or expiry) and, for this purpose, AirAsia shall be entitled to deduct the relevant amount from your earnings.
  17. Access to the Platforms in relation to Transportation Service
  18. 10.1
    You shall ensure that it has the appropriate device such as a mobile device, a tablet, or other automated, electronic means of providing Transportation Service to Passenger(s) (the “Device”).
    It is your responsibility to check and ensure that the up-to-date version of the Application is downloaded to the Device.
    You are solely responsible for:
    the procurement and use of the Devices including but not limited to the purchase of the Devices itself, whichever applicable; and
    having in place an appropriate internet and mobile plan and for any fees charged by your telecommunications service provider, such as telephone, SMS and internet data fees.
    If a Device is lost, stolen, broken and/or no longer in the your possession, and this exposes your Account information to someone else or otherwise affects AirAsia Ride’s or any third party providers’ legal rights and/or remedies, you must immediately notify AirAsia Ride and follow the procedures notified by AirAsia Ride.
    We may use third party software and Application Programming Interface (“API”) when providing the Application Services. We do not guarantee the reliability of such third party software or APIs. You agree that we are not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever incurred or suffered by you arising out of our use of such third party software or APIs.
  19. Intellectual Property Rights
  20. AirAsia Ride and its licensors, where applicable, shall own all right, title and interest, including all related intellectual property rights, in and to the Application and by extension, the Application Service and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by you or any other party relating to the Application Service. The terms and conditions of this Agreement do not constitute a sale agreement and do not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the Application Service and/or the Application, or any intellectual property rights owned by AirAsia Ride and/or its licensors. AirAsia Ride’s name, AirAsia Ride’s logo, the Application Service and/or the Application and the third party transportation providers’ logos and the product names associated with the Application are trademarks of AirAsia Ride or third parties, and no right or license is granted to use them. For the avoidance of doubt, the term Application herein shall include its respective components, processes and design in its entirety.

  21. Confidentiality
  22. You shall maintain in confidence all information and data relating to AirAsia Ride, its services, products, business affairs, marketing and promotion plans or other operations and its associated companies which are disclosed to you by or on behalf of AirAsia Ride (whether orally or in writing and whether before, on or after the date of this Agreement) or which are otherwise directly or indirectly acquired by you from AirAsia Ride, or any of its affiliate companies, or created in the course of this Agreement. You shall further ensure that you only use such confidential information in order to use the Application Service, and shall not without AirAsia Ride’s prior written consent, disclose such information to any third party nor use it for any other purpose.

  23. Data Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy
  24. AirAsia Ride collects and processes your Personal Data and you agree and consent to AirAsia Ride, its subsidiaries, actual assignee, potential assignee, transferee, acquirer, in connection with any corporate restructuring plan to transfer the business, asset or it’s liability and any of its affiliate companies to be collecting, using, processing and disclosing you Personal Data in the manner deemed fit and necessary by AirAsia Ride. You shall also acknowledge and be bound by the Privacy Statement, which may be amended and/or revised from time to time.

  25. Drivers’ Representations, Warranties and Undertakings
  26. During the Term of this Agreement, you represent, warrant and undertake that:

    1. you have full power and legal capacity to enter into this Agreement and perform your obligations under this Agreement;
    2. you are at least twenty-two (22) years of age (or, if the age at which You are permitted to provide the transportation service under Applicable Law in the Territory is lower than twenty-two (22), you are of at least that age);
    3. all the information which you provide shall be true and accurate;
    4. when performing the Transportation Service, you will strictly adhere and comply with road safety standards, as imposed by the applicable laws;
    5. you own or have the legal right and authority to operate the Vehicle, and that the vehicle which you intend to use when performing the Transportation Service (“Vehicle”), is in good operating condition and meets the applicable industry safety and maintenance standards for Vehicles of its kind, is in good operating condition, and is in a clean and comfortable condition suitable for the provision of the applicable Transportation Service;
    6. you possess a valid driver’s license and a public vehicle service license (“PSV License”) and have obtained a permit in order to operate a motor vehicle including all the other required licenses, approvals, authorities and consents to provide the Transportation Service in the Territory as required by Applicable Law;
    7. you shall obey all applicable laws, regulations and any rules related to the operation of the Transportation Service, including but not limited to Land Transport Act B.E. 2522 (as amended), Vehicle Act B.E. 2522 (as amended) and all other respective laws and regulations issued by the Department of Land Transport, and will be solely responsible for any violations of such applicable laws;
    8. you are aware that the communications between you and the Passengers shall be made through the available call and/or in-app messaging function. In the event you choose to communicate otherwise, standard telecommunication charges may apply which shall be solely borne by you;
    9. you do not have a criminal record in the Territory or any other jurisdiction;
    10. you shall ensure that any documents and information provided by You (or on Your behalf) to AirAsia Ride are at all times accurate, current, complete and not misleading;
    11. you shall only use an internet access point and data account which you are authorised to use;
    12. you shall not engage in any fraudulent, misleading deceptive, illegal or criminal conduct;
    13. you agree to assist us with any internal or external investigations as may be required by us in complying with any prevailing laws or regulations in place; and
    14. you shall not, at any time after accepting a Book a Ride, unreasonably cancel the performance of the Transportation Service to such booking.
  27. Indemnification
  28. During the Term of this Agreement, you agree that you shall indemnify and hold AirAsia Ride, its licensors and each such party’s affiliates, officers, directors, members, employees, attorneys and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs and/or regulatory action) arising out of or in connection with: (a) your performance of the Transportation Service and any violation and breach to the Code of Conduct; or (b) your violation or breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the Term of Use; and (c) any act or omission, negligence or wilful misconduct resulting in personal injury, death or property damage.

  29. Disclaimer of Warranties
  30. The Application, its content and any related service(s) is provided to you on an “as is” basis. AirAsia Ride makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, in connection with the Application, Platform, Application Service, these terms and conditions, the content or any related service(s). Although we make reasonable efforts to keep the Application up-to-date, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that such information is accurate, complete or up to date. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequent loss arising from the modifications or amendments to the Application, Platform, Application Service, or terms and conditions.

  31. Internet Delays
  32. The platform, application and/or the associated softwares used to maintain and operate the platform and/or application may be subject to limitations, delays, and other problems inherent in the use of the internet and electronic communications including the device used by you being faulty, not connected, out of range, switched off or not functioning. AirAsia Ride is not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, damages or losses resulting from such problems.

  33. Limitation of Liability
  34. 18.1
    You shall be solely responsible for any and all claims, judgments and liabilities resulting from any accident, loss or damage including, but not limited to, personal injuries, death, total loss and property damage which is due to or is alleged to be a result of the performance of the Transportation Service by you.
    Unless otherwise stated, and to the fullest extent allowed by law, any claims against AirAsia Ride by you shall be limited to the aggregate amount of all amounts actually due to you from AirAsia Ride. To the fullest extent permitted by any applicable law in the Territory, AirAsia Ride shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury which may be incurred by or caused to you, including but not limited to:
    any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages (including loss of use, profits, data, business, goodwill contracts or opportunity) to you;
    loss, damage or injury arising out of, or in any way not connected with the Application Service and/or the Application;
    the use or inability to use the Application Service and/or the Application;
    the use or inability to use the Application Service and/or the Application;
    as a result of any relationship or transaction between you and the Passenger which is referred to by the Application Service and/or the Application, even if AirAsia Ride has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
    AirAsia Ride does not warrant and represent that it assesses or monitors the suitability, legality, ability or location of the Passenger, and you expressly waive and release AirAsia Ride from any and all liability, claims or damages arising from, or in any way related to the Passenger.
    AirAsia Ride will not be a party to disputes, or negotiations of disputes between you and the Passenger. You expressly waive and release AirAsia Ride from any and all liability, claims, causes of action, or damages arising from your use of the Application Service and/or the Application, or in any way related to the third parties including the Passenger introduced to you by the Application Service and/or the Application.
    You shall indemnify and hold AirAsia Ride harmless from any claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including attorney’s fees and expenses) arising out of or in connection with; your breach of any terms of this Agreement, any applicable law in force in the Territory, your provision of the Transportation Service, any tax or duties or levies or claims or penalties imposed on you arising from your usage of the Application Service, and/or any other claims by any person or regulatory or government authority in any jurisdiction from your acts, omission or negligence.
  35. Consent
  36. 19.1
    We reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to modify, vary, amend, change and/or update this Agreement at any time as we deem fit and with reasonable notice to you (for example, by posting an update on the Platforms or by emailing the updated agreement to you), and which shall be effective upon the posting of an updated version on the Platforms. You agree that it shall be your responsibility to review this Agreement regularly to ensure your understanding of this Agreement is current and you understand the terms and conditions that apply to your connection and access to, and use of, the Platforms.
    Your non-termination, continued access to or use of the Platforms after the effective date of any modifications, variations, amendments, changes and/or updates constitutes your acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, the revised Agreement.
    If you do not agree to this Agreement or with any subsequent modifications, variations, amendments, changes and/or updates, you shall immediately cease to connect to, access or use the Platforms.
  37. Assignment
  38. The terms and conditions under this Agreement as modified from time to time shall not be assigned by you at all times to any third parties without prior approval of AiaAsia Ride. However, by entering into this Agreement and continuing to use the Application, you hereby consent to AirAsia Ride assigning, sub-licensing, transferring, subcontracting or otherwise disposing, all or part, of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to its affiliate companies, provided that, to the extent required by applicable law, AirAsia Ride shall provide notice to you of any assignment, sub-licence, transfer, sub-contracting or other disposal of its rights or obligations. Any purported assignment by you in violation of this section shall be void.

  39. Relationship
  40. The relationship between you and AirAsia Ride shall be of the nature of independent contractors. Nothing contained in these terms and conditions shall be construed as creating any agency, partnership, employment or other form of joint enterprise with us.

  41. Severability
  42. If any provision of the terms and conditions is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired.

  43. No Waiver
  44. The failure of AirAsia Ride to enforce any right or provision in the terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

  45. Entire Agreement
  46. This Agreement comprises the entire agreement between you and us and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous negotiations or discussions. The parties also agree to exclude all implied terms and does not rely on any statement representation, warranty, understanding, undertaking, promise or assurance of any person other than as expressly set out in this Agreement. A person that is not a party to this Agreement has no right to enforce any terms and conditions under this Agreement.

  47. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
  48. 25.1
    This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Thailand.
    The parties hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts located in Thailand and irrevocably agree that all actions or proceedings relating to this Agreement shall be litigated in such courts, and each of the parties waives any objection which it may have based on improper venue or forum non-conveniens to the conduct of any such action or proceeding in such court.

  49. Force Majeure
  50. 26.1
    You acknowledge and agree that we have no control over the availability of the Platforms on a continuous or uninterrupted basis, and that we assume no liability to you or any other party with regard thereto. We are not responsible or liable for failure or delay of performance caused by a force majeure event.
    Where the access to the Platforms are interrupted or we are unable to perform the services offered on the Platforms for a continuous period of more than thirty (30) calendar days by reason of a force majeure event, either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.
  51. Notices/Electronic Communication
  52. For contractual purposes, you consent:

    1. to receiving communications from us in an electronic form via the last email address you have submitted to us; and
    2. that any terms and conditions, agreements, policies, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications would satisfy if they were in writing.

    Notice will be deemed given twenty (24) hours after:

    1. the e-mail is sent to the last email address that you have provided to us; or
    2. the notice is posted on the Platform.

    All notices to AirAsia Ride shall be in writing via the Platform, chat, email or any other functions as may be notified by Airasia Ride from time to time.

  53. Stamp Duty
  54. You shall bear any stamp duties payable under this Agreement.

Schedule A

Term of Use of Application for Drivers

  1. You will only use the Application to carry out the Transportation Service for their intended and lawful purposes;
  2. You will keep your account password or any identification we provide you which allows access to the Application secure and confidential;
  3. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security;
  4. You will not try to interrupt or harm the Application in any way;
  5. You will not attempt to commercially exploit any part of the Application, including without limitation modify any of the Application’s content in any way, or copy, reproduce, publicly display, distribute or otherwise use or communicate them for any public or commercial purpose without our permission;
  6. You will not authorize others to use your identity or user status, and you may not assign or otherwise transfer your user account to any other person or entity;
  7. You will provide us with whatever proof of identity or any other documents, permits, licenses or approvals which we may reasonably request or require;
  8. You will not use the Application for sending or storing any unlawful material or for fraudulent purposes;
  9. You will not copy, or distribute the content of the Application Software or other content without written permission from AirAsia Ride;
  10. You will provide accurate, current and complete information as required for the Application Service and undertake the responsibility to maintain and update your information in a timely manner to keep it accurate, current and complete at all times during the Term of the Agreement.
  11. You will only use an access point or data account which you are authorized to use;
  12. You agree that your use of the Application will be subject to our Privacy Statement as announced in our website;
  13. You will not utilise modified devices or applications with the intent of evading detections or facilitating any activities intended to defraud AirAsia Ride or to disrupt the natural functions of the Application;
  14. You shall not reverse look-up, trace or seek to trace any information on any Passenger, or any other customer of AirAsia Ride, including without limitation any user account not owned by you, to its source, or exploit the Application or any service or information made available or offered by or through the Application, in any way where the purpose is to reveal any information, including but shall not be limited to personal identification information, other than your own information, as provided for by the Application;
  15. In the course of your performance of the Transportation Service, you acknowledge that AirAsia Ride may disclose Personal Data of other individuals to you and you undertake that you will not use such Personal Data for any other purposes not associated with the performance of the Transportation Service.
  16. You shall not:
    1. license, sublicense, sell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Application in any way;
    2. modify or make derivative works based on the Application;
    3. “mirror” the Application on any other server or wireless or internet-based device;
    4. except to the extent such restriction is prohibited under applicable law, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, decrypt or attempt to derive and code or extract software from, this Application or any software or services made available on or through the Application;
    5. use any manual or automated program or script, including but not limited to web spiders, web crawlers, web robots, web ants, web indexers, bots, viruses or worms, or any program which may make multiple server requests per second, (a) to unduly burden or hinder the operation and/or performance of the Application; (b) to conduct data mining or scraping activities, or (c) in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Application or its content;
    6. post, distribute or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior consent of the owner of such proprietary right;
    7. remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained on the Application or Platform; or
    8. use the Application to: (a) send spam or otherwise duplicative or unsolicited messages; (b) send or store infringing, obscene, threatening, libelous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material, including but not limited to materials harmful to children or violative of third party privacy rights; (c) send material containing software viruses, worms, trojan horses or other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents or programs; (d) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Application or the data contained therein; (e) attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Application or its related software, systems or networks; (f) impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; or (g) engage in any conduct that could possibly damage our reputation or amount to being disreputable.
  17. You agree and acknowledge and accept that a failure to comply with the Term of Use may result in suspension of the Grant of Rights.

Schedule B

Airasia Ride Driver’s Code of Conduct

  1. You will not use the Application to cause nuisance or behave in an inappropriate or disrespectful manner towards us, our affiliates or any third party;
  2. You shall not contact Passengers for purposes other than in connection with the Transportation Service;
  3. You shall ensure that the vehicle must be maintained in good condition and regular inspection must be carried out to ensure that the said vehicle is safe, roadworthy and suitable for its intended use;
  4. You shall comply with all traffic laws and regulations imposed by the relevant authorities from time to time;
  5. You shall only use the vehicle that you have registered in the Application and should not use any other vehicle. Should you are required to use another vehicle for the same account, please contact AirAsia’s chat support to perform the necessary changes of information;
  6. In the event that you do not use a public vehicle (taxi) for providing the transportation service, you shall not pick up a Passenger by waiting to be called;
  7. You are prohibited to consume any alcohol, drugs and/or illegal substances prior to or during the drive;
  8. You are advisable to maintain proper decorum and dress appropriately as regulated by Airasia Ride and/or the local authority(ies);
  9. You shall not engage in reckless driving which may pose a risk or threat to the Passenger(s) and/or third party safety and wellbeing;
  10. You shall provide assistance to the Passenger(s) especially to the less able;
  11. You shall communicate with the Passenger(s) in a polite and non-abusive manner. Any vulgar words or sexual insinuation is strictly prohibited;
  12. Any form of misconduct or sexual harassment is strictly prohibited. Airasia Ride may lodge a police report against you for any wrongdoing which can be deemed as criminal in nature;
  13. Any form of communication with the Passenger(s) which is personal and unwarranted is strictly prohibited;
  14. You shall respect if the Passenger(s) refuse to communicate and shall respect their decision and avoid making them uncomfortable;
  15. You shall always check with the Passenger(s) if they have left any item(s) or personal belonging(s) behind. Any item(s) found shall be notified and/or returned to the Passenger(s) or to AirAsia Ride;
  16. You shall not engage in job transfer and every accepted job assignment shall be honoured and completed by you;
  17. You shall not practice any form of discrimination towards different religion, race, sexuality, and towards the disabled;
  18. You are not allowed to request for transportation charges directly from the Passenger(s) unless stated otherwise by Airasia Ride via its Platform;
  19. You must ensure that face masks are to be worn at all times for both Driver and Passenger(s) in order to contain the infection of Covid-19;
  20. Airasia Ride shall not be responsible for any the Transportation Services provided by you for any negligence, misconduct and/or wrongdoing towards the Passenger(s), other road user(s) and/or other third party(ies);
  21. You shall have the discretion to refuse the Transportation Service for Passenger(s) that appear drunk or inappropriate and shall inform Airasia Ride pursuant to our policy;
  22. You and the Passengers may be allowed to rate or block each other in respect of the Transportation Services provided;
  23. Every rating will be automatically logged onto AirAsia Ride’s system and AirAsia Ride may analyze all ratings received. AirAsia Ride may take all appropriate actions including suspending your use of the Application for performance of the Transportation Service without any notice or compensation to you; and
  24. You shall comply with any other policies or procedures as may be additionally announced by AirAsia Ride from time to time including not limited to our fraud policies.

Last update: 1 April 2022

Driver Terms of use (Thailand)

This page sets out the terms and conditions (“Terms of Use”) for using the www.airasia.com website, airasia.com mobile application and any subsisting page within the airasia.com domain (collectively known as “Website”). The Website is owned and operated by Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd) and/or its subsidiaries, including but limited to Velox Technology (Thailand) Company Limited (“VT”), a limited company incorporated in Thailand with company registration no. 0105561066969.



  1. Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd), its subsidiaries and/or its affiliated companies (“AirAsia, “we”, “us”, “our””), are indirectly owned by AirAsia Group Berhad (“AAGB”), a public company listed on Bursa Malaysia. Move Travel Sdn Bhd (formerly known as AirAsia Com Travel Sdn Bhd) and AirAsia MOVE Sdn Bhd (“AA Superapp”) is a wholly owned subsidiary of AirAsia Digital Sdn Bhd (“AAD”) which is a wholly owned subsidiary of AAGB. VT is a wholly owned subsidiary of AA Superapp. AAGB, AAD, AA Superapp, VT and its respective affiliates shall collectively be known as AirAsia Group of Companies. For avoidance of doubt, affiliates shall mean an entity, present and future, that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with AirAsia. The term “control” (including the terms “controlled by” and “under common control with”) means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of AirAsia, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.
  2. This Website is managed and operated out of Malaysia with the server located in Malaysia. Though this Website may be accessible from anywhere in the world, the availability of the functions, products, and services discussed, mentioned, supplied, and provided through or on this Website may vary by country or region. Should you choose to visit this Website from countries or regions outside of Malaysia, you do so on your own volition and shall use our Website only as permitted by your local laws.
  3. Through the Website, we make available for sale a wide variety of products and services related to travel, lifestyle, daily essentials, healthcare as well as financial services (collectively known as “Products and Services''). Should you wish to purchase these Products and Services, you may be directed to another External Site (hereunder defined) which may contain its own respective terms of use. If you wish to continue with the purchase of the Product and Service, you agree to be additionally bound by the specific terms of use applicable to the particular Product and Service.
  4. In the event of conflict between this Terms of Use and specific terms of use, the latter shall prevail. We reserve the right to amend, modify, add, delete and make corrections to this Terms of Use at any time and would advise you to review these Terms of Use and any specific terms of use periodically to be aware of such modifications. In any event, we will notify users of any modification by updating the terms on our website @www.airasia.com (“Website”) and by including a "NEWLY UPDATED" label for a period of 30 days. After the 30-days’ period, the updated version(s) of the Terms of Use shall supersede all previous versions of the Terms of Use with automatic effect, without any further action by us. You acknowledge and agree that you shall be bound by the terms of the most recent version of theTerms of Use found on the Website.

Intellectual Property Right

  1. You acknowledge and agree that all copyright, database rights, trademarks and all other intellectual property rights or other property rights relating to the Website, including but not limited to content, in whichever form, and lay out, shall remain at all times vested in us or their respective owner.
  2. The contents of our Website are intended for your personal non-commercial use only. Graphics and images on this Website are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or appropriated in any manner without our written permission. Modification of any of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose will be a violation of our copyright and other intellectual property rights and the copyright and intellectual property rights of the respective owners.
  3. This Website and the Products and Services, technology and processes contained may be the subject of other intellectual property rights owned by AirAsia Group of Companies or by third parties. No licence is granted in respect of such intellectual property rights other than as set out in this Terms of Use. Your use of this Website must not in any way infringe the intellectual property rights of any party.


  1. Whilst every effort is made to update the information contained on this Website, neither AirAsia, AirAsia Group of Companies nor any third party or data or content owner/provider make any representations or warranties, whether express, implied in law or residual, as to the sequence, accuracy, completeness or reliability of information, opinions, any share price information, research information, data and/or content contained on the Website (including but not limited to any information which may be provided by any third party or data or content providers) (“Information”) and shall not be bound in any manner by any information contained on the Website.
  2. The Company reserves the right at any time to change or discontinue without notice, any aspect or feature of this Website. No information shall be construed as advice and the information contained in the Website is offered for information purposes only and is not intended for trading purposes. You rely on the information contained on this Website at your own discretion. If you find an error or omission at this site, you can let us know by contacting us in the manner described at the Contact Us section below.

Use of Website

  1. By using this Website;
    1. You warrant that you have reached the age of majority and have capacity to enter into a legally binding contract in the territory in which you reside and that you will only use this Website to make legitimate purchases;
    2. It is your responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through the Website meet your specific requirements; You will be fully responsible for all matters arising from your use of this Website;
    3. You will not use this Website in any manner which breaches any applicable laws and regulations;
    4. You will not interfere or attempt to interfere with the operation or functionality of the Website and not to obtain or attempt to obtain unauthorised access, via whatever means, to our systems;
    5. You agree that we have the right to send you administrative and promotional emails. We may also send you information regarding your account activity and purchases, as well as updates about the Website, Products and Services, new products and/or services as well as any other promotional offers. You are able to opt-out of receiving our promotional e-mails or to unsubscribe such information at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of such e-mail correspondence; and
    6. You acknowledge that the Products and Services available on the Website may be provided by third parties and you accept that these third parties will have their own applicable terms and conditions in relation to the supply of Products and Services, in which you are further subjected to and shall abide by those additional terms and conditions.

Restriction and Prohibition of Use of this Website

  1. By using this Website including the posting of content and commentary in the Website’s community and chatting channel, or other public communication forums hosted on this Website, you agree that you will not upload, post or otherwise transmit or make available any content (including text links, communications, software, images, sounds, data or other information) that is not consistent with the permissible uses outlined in this Terms of Use including, but not limited to the following:
    1. False, inaccurate, misleading, unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortuous, harassing, defamatory, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, vulgar, profane, sexually oriented/suggestive/explicit, obscene, racially or ethnically offensive or otherwise objectionable;
    2. Violates any laws, third party rights, or infringes on any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party; Attempt to use the Website with crawlers, robots, data mining, extraction tools or any other functionality;
    3. Contains software viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, cancelbots or any other computer code or files that are designed to disrupt, damage or limit the functioning of any software or hardware;
    4. Provides any non-public information about AirAsia, AirAsia Group of Companies or any other company or person without the proper authorization to do so. This includes providing the names, addresses and extension numbers of AirAsia and AirAsia Group of Companies’ employees and any of the Website’s users;
    5. Intentionally interferes with the operation of any of the Website and/or Products and Services included in this Website without limitation, mail or ‘post’ bombing, news bombing, other flooding techniques, deliberate attempts to overload a system and broadcast attacks;
    6. Impersonates any person or entity, including AirAsia and AirAsia Group of Companies’ employees or forges any TCP-IP packet header, email header or any part of a message header. This prohibition does not include the use of aliases or anonymous remailers;
    7. Linking to this Website without obtaining the prior written approval of AirAsia; and
    8. Use of any automated screen capture or screen scraping technologies to obtain information from this site without the prior written approval of AirAsia is an infringement of AirAsia’s intellectual property rights.

External and Third Party Sites

  1. This Website may contain links to websites maintained by third parties (“External Sites”). These External Sites are provided to redirect you to another website to enable purchase of Products and Services, or for your reference and convenience only. AirAsia does not operate, control or endorse in any respect such External Sites or their content. You assume sole responsibility for use of these External Sites and are therefore advised to examine the terms and conditions of those External Sites carefully.


  1. Secure Server Layer (SSL) encrypts the information you send through this Website. Although AirAsia would use its best endeavor to ensure security, AirAsia makes no warranty in respect of the strength or effectiveness of that encryption and AirAsia is not and shall not be held responsible for events arising from unauthorised access of the information you provide.

Contact Us

  1. Should you have any queries or complaints regarding this Website and this Terms of Use, please send an email to [email protected].

Our Privacy Statement

  1. We regard your privacy as important. For more detailed information on how we collect and process your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Statement. By using our Website, you consent to the processing of your personal information as described in our Privacy Statement as may be amended from time to time.

Specific Terms and Conditions of Products and Services

  1. For further information regarding the Products and Services offered for sale on the Website, you can read the specific terms and conditions applicable to the relevant products or services here.

Liability and Indemnity

  1. The content on this Website is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. You therefore agree that your use of this Website and the Products and Services offered for sale on this Website are provided at your sole risk. AirAsia, our officers, directors, employees, partners and suppliers disclaim:
    1. all warranties or representations of any kind regarding this Website ,its operations or the accuracy, reliability, completeness, usefulness, non-infringement of intellectual property rights, or quality of any information, content or material included herein;
    2. to the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, all conditions and warranties, express and implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement;
    3. all liability to you or anyone else for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or punitive loss or damage (including without limitation loss of revenue, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation and loss of, or damage to, data), incurred or suffered in connection with the use or inability to use this Website whether based in contract, tort or otherwise even if we are informed of their possibility; and
    4. all liability to you or anyone else if interference with or damage to your computer systems occurs in connection with use of this Website or an external site. You must take your own precautions to ensure that whatever you select for use from this Website is free of viruses or anything else that may interfere with or damage the operation of your computer systems

  2. In the event of any third-party request, loss, liability, proposition, or expense (including lawyer's fees) brought against AirAsia arising from or relating to your usage of this Website and/or the Products and Services, you agree to defend, indemnify and hold us, our directors, employees, agents, partners, affiliates and other licensed persons, harmless at all time.

Governing Law and Venue

  1. This Website is governed by the laws of Thailand and should there be any dispute arising from your use of this Website, you further agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Thai courts.


  1. You may not assign or transfer any of your rights or obligations under this Terms of Use, the specific terms and conditions or Privacy Statement.
  2. AirAsia does not guarantee it will take action against all breaches of the provisions of this Terms of Use. The failure to act with respect to a breach by you or others does not amount to waiver of our right to act with respect to subsequent or similar breaches. This Terms of Use set forth the entire understanding and agreement between you and AirAsia with respect to its subject matter.
  3. AirAsia may terminate your use of this Website or any of the Products and Services at any time for any reason or no reason, with or without notice. This Terms of Use and the specific terms and conditions, if applicable, shall continue to govern all use of this Website and the particular Products and Service notwithstanding any termination, suspension, or cancellation.

General Terms

  1. Entire Agreement - The Terms and Conditions, the Terms of Use and the Privacy Statement constitute the sole record of the agreement between you and the Company in relation to your use of the Website. Neither you nor the Company shall be bound by any express, tacit or implied representation, warranty, promise or the like not recorded herein. Unless otherwise specifically stated these Website terms and conditions supersede and replace all prior commitments, undertakings or representations, whether written or oral, between you and the Company in respect of your use of the Website.
  2. Waiver - No indulgence or extension of time which either you or the Company may grant to the other will constitute a waiver of or, whether by estoppels or otherwise, limit any of the existing or future rights of the grantor in terms hereof, save in the event or to the extent that the grantor has signed a written document expressly waiving or limiting such rights.
  3. Cession - The Company shall be entitled to cede, assign and delegate all or any of its rights and obligations in terms of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices to any third-party.
  4. Severability - Headings are for reference purposes only and do not limit the scope or extent of such section. All provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices are, notwithstanding the manner in which they have been grouped together or linked grammatically, severable from each other. Any provision of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices, which is or becomes unenforceable in any jurisdiction, whether due to voidness, invalidity, illegality, unlawfulness or for any reason whatever, shall, in such jurisdiction only and only to the extent that it is so unenforceable, be treated as pro non scripto and the remaining provisions of any relevant terms and conditions, policies and notices shall remain in full force and effect.

Last update: 17 July 2022

AirAsia Delivery Partner Terms and Conditions (Thailand)

This terms and conditions of AirAsia’s Delivery Partners, Term of Use (as defined below) and the Code of Conduct (as defined below) shall govern the relationship between Velox Technology (Thailand) Company Limited (“AirAsia, us, our, we”) and an individual delivery partner, which is to be read together and shall collectively represent a legally binding agreement between you and AirAsia (the “Agreement”). We are the owner and operator of AirAsia’s application for delivery partners through AirAsia MOVE (“Application”) that is available on the airasia.com mobile application (“Platform”) for the purpose of enabling users (“User”) to place orders (“Delivery Orders”) for delivery of food, goods, products or any other items to certain recipients or destinations to be matched with third party independent delivery partners (“Delivery Partner, you, your”), including any associated services in connection therewith e.g. the purchase and collection of any items on behalf of the User (the “Delivery Service”), in exchange for a certain fare (“Application Service”). During the interim period, you acknowledge and agree to use the application owned by our affiliated company namely Teleport Commerce (Thailand) Company Limited (“Teleport”) to provide the Delivery Service through AirAsia MOVE. However, upon our notification, you shall be required to use the Application in replacement of the Teleport’s application to provide the Delivery Service to the Users. In this regard, all the Delivery Services are provided directly by you to Users, and you act as an independent third party contractor carrying on business on your own account, not under employment or agency of AirAsia.

By clicking the Accept & Agree button in the Delivery Partner’s registration form, you agree that you have read, understood, and expressly accepted and agreed with all terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to be bound by this Agreement, you may not access or use the Application or any part of the Application.

The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall come into force from 1 April 2022.
The terms of this Agreement shall be binding against you upon our approval of your registration and acceptance of this Agreement as a Delivery Partner (“Effective Date”).
The effectiveness of this Agreement shall start from the Effective Date and continue indefinitely unless terminated pursuant to Clause 9 below in this Agreement (“Term”).
Grant of Rights

With effect from the Effective Date and in consideration of the remuneration provided herein, we hereby grant you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited licence to use and access the Application to enable you to perform the Delivery Service subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (“Grant of Rights”). You shall also abide by and adhere to the Term of Use of the Application for the Delivery Partners as stipulated under Schedule A (“Term of Use”) at all times, which may be amended and/or revised by AirAsia from time to time. You are advised to keep yourself updated with the latest version of the Term of Use.

Delivery Partners’ Responsibility

Your commitment with AirAsia
During the Term of this Agreement, you represent, warrant and/or undertake that:

you have full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and perform your obligations hereunder;
you have legal capacity to enter into the Agreement and that you are at least eighteen (18) years old. You cannot enter into the Agreement if you are below eighteen (18) years old;
you possess a valid driver’s licence and all the other required licences, approvals, authorities and consents as required by the applicable laws in order to provide the Delivery Service in the territory in which you are registered to use the Application Services (“Territory”) as specified in the registered account you obtain to access the Application Service (“Account”);
you own or have the legal right and authority to operate the vehicle, and that the vehicle which you intend to use when performing the Delivery Service (“Vehicle”), is in good operating condition and meets the applicable industry safety and maintenance standards for Vehicles of its kind, and is in a clean and comfortable condition suitable for the provision of the applicable Service;
you shall possess and maintain the necessary insurance policy required under the applicable laws for third party and public liability coverage for the Vehicle and to cover any anticipated losses incurred as a result of performing the Delivery Service. You acknowledge that AirAsia does not control, or advise you on your insurance arrangement nor is it obliged to arrange the insurance on your behalf;
you undertake not to park (or leave unattended or abandon) the Vehicle in any area, space or manner that may contravene any applicable laws;
you undertake not to park:
in any private spaces (private property) or any public restricted areas;
on public footways and public roads; or
in a manner that obstructs entrances, exits, roads or paths;
you acknowledge that it is prohibited from carrying, possessing and/or distributing prohibited items, including illegal drugs and intoxicating materials;
you shall carry out the performance of the Delivery Service in compliance with the applicable laws and and in the manner as stipulated under the AirAsia Delivery Partner’s Code of Conduct as stipulated in Schedule B (“Code of Conduct”) and will notify us if you are in breach of any applicable laws or the Code of Conduct;
you agree to assist us with any internal or external investigations as may be required by us in complying with any prevailing laws or regulations in place;
you will promptly provide us with any additional documents or information requested by us, including proof of identity, proof of ownership or right to use the Vehicle; you acknowledge that you may be subject to background, criminal record and/or driving record checks from time to time and you agree to cooperate with us for this purpose;
when performing the Delivery Service, you will strictly adhere and comply with road safety standards, as imposed by the applicable laws (e.g. wearing of helmet);
you shall obey all applicable laws related to the operation of a Delivery Service and will be solely responsible for any violations of such applicable laws;
once an in-app messaging function has been made available, you will use such function when responding to Users. In the event you choose to communicate otherwise, standard telecommunication charges may apply which shall be solely borne by you;
you do not have a criminal record in the Territory or any other jurisdiction;
you shall ensure that any documents and information provided by you (or on your behalf) to AirAsia are at all times accurate, current, complete and not misleading;
you shall only use an internet access point and data account which you are authorised to use;
you shall not engage in any fraudulent, misleading deceptive, illegal or criminal conduct; and
you shall not, at any time after accepting a Delivery Order, unreasonably cancel the performance of the Delivery Service to such booking.

You are the provider of the Delivery Service and shall therefore be solely responsible for the safe, efficient and proper performance of the Delivery Service using all reasonable care and skill. You shall be solely responsible for providing all necessary equipment, materials, tools and other items necessary for the safe, efficient and proper performance of the Delivery Service. You are responsible for your own safety, and that of the Users, in the performance of the Delivery Service, and you shall take all necessary precautions.

Your interactions with Users

Your provision of the Delivery Services to Users creates a direct relationship between you and the User, to which AirAsia is not a party. AirAsia is not responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of a User in relation to you. To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable laws, you have the sole responsibility for any obligations or liabilities to Users or third parties that arise from your provision of the Delivery Services.
Although you are solely responsible for the Delivery Services, AirAsia has the right to deal with any complaints that Users have through our complaints handling process, or any complaints that you may have about any User. You agree to cooperate fully with such process, and to submit any complaint you may have via the Application. AirAsia also reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to redirect any such complaints to you directly and may choose to facilitate discussions with the User. You agree to comply with the applicable laws and the terms of this Agreement in your handling of such User complaints. AirAsia’s complaints handling process shall not exclude any rights or remedies that cannot be excluded or limited under the applicable laws.
You undertake to be cautious in dealing with the Delivery Item and to use best endeavour, skill, care and attention to ensure that the item is delivered safely, in the exact manner to which it was handed over to you by the User.
You agree that in the event of failed delivery (wherein either the address provided by the User is incorrect or the recipient is unable and/or refuse and/or uncontactable to accept the Delivery Item), you may leave the item at the premises of the recipient, provided that you have used your best endeavour to contact the recipient and subject to confirmation from a representative of AirAsia.

Your Interactions with third parties

You may have an opportunity to enter into arrangements with a third party via the Delivery Services. Any such arrangements will be solely between you and the applicable third party, and we have no responsibility or liability in relation to such arrangements. We do not endorse any third party providers, applications or websites that are available through the Delivery Services, and in no event shall we be responsible for any content, products, services or other materials on or available from such third party providers, applications or websites.
Your earnings will be displayed in the Application where possible. In the event that AirAsia assigned you to perform certain delivery jobs which are not displayed in the Application, AirAsia will communicate such instructions to you in writing and your earning for such jobs may not be displayed in the application. AirAsia shall be entitled to adjust the rates of delivery at AirAsia’s sole discretion. AirAsia shall administer payments to you and from you by way of wire transfer to your bank account that you provided to AirAsia via the Application(“Bank Account”) within seven (7) business days after completion of the Delivery Service.

AirAsia charges a fee for your use of the Application Service (“Commission“). The Commission shall be a percentage of the fee charged to Users, as determined by us from time to time. The percentage of Commission shall be based on the category of the Delivery Partners and vehicles and will be displayed to you in the Application.
The Commission is payable by you immediately and non-refundable. This no-refund policy of the Commission shall apply at all times regardless of your decision to terminate this Agreement, our decision to terminate or suspend your access to the Application, disruption caused to the Delivery Service whether planned, accidental or intentional, or any reason whatsoever.
You acknowledge and confirm that we may collect on your behalf the total due to you for certain payment methods chosen by the User. We retain the right to suspend the processing of any transaction where we reasonably believe that the transaction may be fraudulent, illegal or involves any criminal activity or where you and/or the User have breached any of the terms in this Agreement. In such an event, you shall not hold us liable for any withholding of, delay in, suspension, forfeiture or cancellation of, any payment(s) to you.
We may, at our sole discretion, make promotional offers with different features and different rates on the Application Service to any of the User whereby these promotional offers shall accordingly be honoured by you. We may change the Commission rate at any time at our sole discretion.
We retain the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to suspend or cancel the processing of any job available on the Application, terminate your Account, temporarily or permanently withhold or forfeit your earnings, or take any other actions as we may deem necessary or appropriate by contacting you or giving you a notice, where it reasonably believes that the transaction may be fraudulent, illegal or involves any criminal activity or where you have breached any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement. In such an event, you shall not hold AirAsia liable for any withholding of, delay in, suspension, forfeiture or cancellation of, any payment(s) to you.
In the event, there is payment of any monies due and owing to AirAsia and/or its affiliated companies, including but not limited to for any purchases, payment of any expense, earnings and/or other fees, you agree that, at AirAsia’s sole discretion:
upon request, you will immediately provide a full amount of refund to AirAsia; and/or
you authorise AirAsia to set-off such amount with the next payment due payable by AirAsia to you.

You are accountable for paying any tax and statutory contributions due in respect of sums payable to you under or in connection with this Agreement. You also acknowledge and agree that the Commission is inclusive of all and any applicable sales and service tax, goods and service tax, value added tax, withholding tax and/or other similar taxes, that are applicable and imposed pursuant to the local laws of Thailand.


The Users rely on you for delivery or provision of the Delivery Service. You agree that high and/or frequent cancellation rates or ignoring the Users’ bookings will impair the Users’ experience and negatively impact the reputation and branding of AirAsia. Should you be found to have negatively impacted the reputation and branding of AirAsia, we shall reserve the right to take any appropriate measure against you including but not limited to restricting your Delivery Service.

Refund for Delivery Partner’s Credit Wallet
Submission of refund and/or claim for underpayment of your earnings from the Delivery Service (collectively referred to as the “Refund”) shall be made to us via available contact channels and our team will be in touch with you. All Refund requests will be subject to investigation prior to approval of the Refund. Should the investigation reveal that the Refund request has no basis, AirAsia reserves the right to not approve your request.
Upon approval of the Refund, we will refund any fee wrongly charged to your Delivery Partner’s Bank Account.
The Refund will be processed within five (5) working days upon our receipt of your submission of the Refund request.
Sale Promotion for Delivery Partner

At the sole discretion of ours, you may be selected as part of AirAsia Delivery Partner’s sale promotion program. The sale promotion program will be communicated to you through the Application and any applicable terms and conditions shall be communicated and made available to you through the in-app messaging function of the Application. Such program may be subject to expenses and applicable tax which shall be borne by you.

Suspension and Termination
We reserve the right to suspend the Application Service and the Grant of Rights due to the following events:
Breach of the Agreement
You acknowledge and agree that a failure to comply with this Agreement, including the Term of Use may result in suspension of the Grant of Rights.
Maintenance and/or External Factors
You agree that we may do any of the following, at any time, without notice:
to modify, suspend or terminate operation of or access to the Application, or any portion of the Application (including access to your Account and/or the availability of any products or services), for any reason;
to modify or change any applicable policies or terms; and/or
to interrupt the operation of the Application or any portion of the Application (including access to your Account and/or the availability of any products or services), as necessary to perform routine or non-routine maintenance, error correction, or other changes.

We shall not be required to compensate you for any suspension or termination of this Agreement.

In the event, we have received a complaint from the User or it comes to our attention that you are in breach of your obligations under Clause 3 of this Agreement, Code of Conduct and/or Term of Use, we reserve our right to immediately suspend your access to the Application or any features and services available in the Application. Our team will contact you within one (1) working day or at earliest practicable time after the suspension to proceed with our internal investigation process (“Suspension Period”). During the Suspension Period, you are required to make yourself available and contactable and you are not permitted to perform any act for and on behalf of AirAsia on any and all matters.

We may offer you a chance to remedy your breach pursuant to the above paragraph, if the breach is capable of remedy, and in the event, you have failed to remedy such breach within seven (7) days (unless otherwise stated in this Agreement), or any other extended period as agreed by us, we shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement.
Notwithstanding any provisions contained herein, we reserve the right to immediately terminate this Agreement upon providing you with a written notice in the event you are in breach of Clause 3 Delivery Partners’ Responsibility, Clause 11 Intellectual Property Rights, Clause 12 Confidentiality, Clause 13 Data Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy and Clause 19 Assignment.
In addition to Clause 9.3 above, we may terminate this Agreement by written notice with a notice period of thirty (30) days without the need to assign any reason thereof.
On termination or expiry of this Agreement for any reason, you shall:
immediately delete and fully remove the Application from your Device;
immediately cease using the Application Services (save to the extent that you are permitted to use the Application); and
promptly (and in any event within three (3) days), pay any money owed to AirAsia (which shall become immediately due and payable on termination or expiry) and, for this purpose, AirAsia shall be entitled to deduct the relevant amount from your earnings.
Access to the Platforms in relation to the Delivery Orders
The Delivery Partner shall ensure that it has the appropriate device such as a mobile device, a tablet, or other automated, electronic means of receiving Delivery Orders (the “Device”) to receive the Delivery Orders.
It is the Delivery Partner’s responsibility to check and ensure that the up-to-date version of the Application is downloaded to the Device.
The Delivery Partner is solely responsible for:
the procurement and use of the Devices including but not limited to the purchase of the Devices itself, whichever applicable; and
having in place an appropriate internet and mobile plan and for any fees charged by the Delivery Partner’s telecommunications service provider, such as telephone, SMS and internet data fees.
If a Device is lost, stolen, broken and/or no longer in the Delivery Partner’s possession, and this exposes the Delivery Partner’s Account information to someone else or otherwise affects the AirAsia’s or any third party providers’ legal rights and/or remedies, the Delivery Partner must immediately notify AirAsia and follow the procedures notified by AirAsia.
We may use third party software and Application Programming Interface (“API”) when providing the Application Services. We do not guarantee the reliability of such third party software or APIs. You agree that we are not liable for any loss or damage whatsoever incurred or suffered by you arising out of our use of such third party software or APIs.
Intellectual Property Rights

AirAsia and its licensors, where applicable, shall own all right, title and interest, including all related intellectual property rights, in and to the Application and by extension, the Application Service and any suggestions, ideas, enhancement requests, feedback, recommendations or other information provided by you or any other party relating to the Application Service. The terms and conditions of this Agreement do not constitute a sale agreement and do not convey to you any rights of ownership in or related to the Application Service and/or the Application, or any intellectual property rights owned by AirAsia and/or its licensors. AirAsia’s name, AirAsia’s logo, the Application Service and/or the Application and the third party transportation providers’ logos and the product names associated with the Application are trademarks of AirAsia or third parties, and no right or licence is granted to use them. For the avoidance of doubt, the term Application herein shall include its respective components, processes and design in its entirety.


You shall maintain in confidence all information and data relating to AirAsia, its services, products, business affairs, marketing and promotion plans or other operations and its associated companies, including but not limited to the Commission, the Application, the Application Services, which are disclosed to you by or on behalf of AirAsia (whether orally or in writing and whether before, on or after the date of this Agreement) or which are otherwise directly or indirectly acquired by you from AirAsia, or any of its affiliate companies, or created in the course of this Agreement. You shall further ensure that you only use such confidential information in order to use the Service, and shall not without AirAsia’s prior written consent, disclose such information to any third party nor use it for any other purpose.

Data Privacy and Personal Data Protection Policy

AirAsia collects and processes your Personal Data and you agree and consent to AirAsia, its subsidiaries, actual assignee, potential assignee, transferee, acquirer, in connection with any corporate restructuring plan to transfer the business, asset or it’s liability and any of its affiliate companies to be collecting, using, processing and disclosing you Personal Data in the manner deemed fit and necessary by AirAsia. You agree and consent to AirAsia using and processing your personal information as set out in our Privacy Statement, which may be amended and/or revised from time to time.


During the Term of this Agreement, you agree that you shall indemnify and hold AirAsia, its licensors and each such party’s affiliates, officers, directors, members, employees, attorneys and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, costs, damages, losses, liabilities and expenses (including attorneys’ fees and costs and/or regulatory action) arising out of or in connection with: (a) your performance of the Delivery Service and any violation and breach to the Code of Conduct; or (b) your violation or breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement; and (c) any act or omission, negligence or wilful misconduct resulting in personal injury, death or property damage.

Disclaimer of Warranties

The Application, its content and any related service(s) is provided to you on an “as is” basis. AirAsia makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, in connection with the Application, Platform, Application Service, these terms and conditions, the content or any related service(s). Although we make reasonable efforts to keep the Application up-to-date, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that such information is accurate, complete or up to date. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect or consequent loss arising from the modifications or amendments to the Application, Platform, Application Service, or terms and conditions.

Internet Delays

The platform, application and/or the associated softwares used to maintain and operate the platform and/or application may be subject to limitations, delays, and other problems inherent in the use of the internet and electronic communications including the device used by you being faulty, not connected, out of range, switched off or not functioning. AirAsia is not responsible for any delays, delivery failures, damages or losses resulting from such problems.

Limitation of Liability
You shall be solely responsible for any and all claims, judgments and liabilities resulting from any accident, loss or damage including, but not limited to, personal injuries, death, total loss and property damage which is due to or is alleged to be a result of the performance of the Delivery Service by you.
Unless otherwise stated, and to the fullest extent allowed by law, any claims against AirAsia by you shall be limited to the aggregate amount of all amounts actually due to you from AirAsia. To the fullest extent permitted by any applicable law in the Territory, AirAsia shall not be liable for any loss, damage or injury which may be incurred by or caused to you, including but not limited to:
any indirect, incidental, special, punitive, exemplary, or consequential damages (including loss of use, profits, data, business, goodwill contracts or opportunity) to you;
loss, damage or injury arising out of, or in any way not connected with the Application Service and/or the Application;
the use or inability to use the Application Service and/or the Application;
any reliance placed by you on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising; or
as a result of any relationship or transaction between you and the merchant and/or the recipient which is referred to by the Application Service and/or the Application, even if AirAsia has been previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
AirAsia does not warrant and represent that it assesses or monitors the suitability, legality, ability or location of any merchants or recipients, and you expressly waive and release AirAsia from any and all liability, claims or damages arising from, or in any way related to the merchants or the recipients.
AirAsia will not be a party to disputes, or negotiations of disputes between you and the merchant or the recipient. You expressly waive and release AirAsia from any and all liability, claims, causes of action, or damages arising from your use of the Application Service and/or the Application, or in any way related to the third parties including the merchant or the recipient introduced to you by the Application Service and/or the Application.
We reserve the right, in our sole and absolute discretion, to modify, vary, amend, change and/or update this Agreement at any time as we deem fit and with reasonable notice to you (for example, by posting an update on the Platforms or by emailing the updated agreement to you), and which shall be effective upon the posting of an updated version on the Platforms. You agree that it shall be your responsibility to review this Agreement regularly to ensure your understanding of this Agreement is current and you understand the terms and conditions that apply to your connection and access to, and use of, the Platforms.
Your non-termination, continued access to or use of the Platforms after the effective date of any modifications, variations, amendments, changes and/or updates constitutes your acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, the revised Agreement.
If you do not agree to this Agreement or with any subsequent modifications, variations, amendments, changes and/or updates, you shall immediately cease to connect to, access or use the Platforms.

The terms and conditions under this Agreement as modified from time to time shall not be assigned by you at all times to any third parties without prior approval of AiaAsia. However, by entering into this Agreement and continuing to use the Application, you hereby consent to AirAsia assigning, sub-licensing, transferring, subcontracting or otherwise disposing, all or part, of its rights or obligations under this Agreement to its affiliate companies, provided that, to the extent required by Applicable Law, AirAsia shall provide notice to you of any assignment, sub-licence, transfer, sub-contracting or other disposal of its rights or obligations. Any purported assignment by you in violation of this section shall be void.


The relationship between you and AirAsia shall be of the nature of independent contractors. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be construed as creating any agency, partnership, or other form of joint enterprise with us.


If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the legality, validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired.

No Waiver

The failure of AirAsia to enforce any right or provision in this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

Entire Agreement

This Agreement comprises the entire agreement between you and us and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous negotiations or discussions. The parties also agree to exclude all implied terms and does not rely on any statement representation, warranty, understanding, undertaking, promise or assurance of any person other than as expressly set out in this Agreement. A person that is not a party to this Agreement has no right to enforce any terms and conditions under this Agreement.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution
This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Thailand.
The parties hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts located in Thailand and irrevocably agree that all actions or proceedings relating to this Agreement shall be litigated in such courts, and each of the parties waives any objection which it may have based on improper venue or forum non-conveniens to the conduct of any such action or proceeding in such court.
Force Majeure
You acknowledge and agree that we have no control over the availability of the Platforms on a continuous or uninterrupted basis, and that we assume no liability to you or any other party with regard thereto. We are not responsible or liable for failure or delay of performance caused by a force majeure event.
Where the access to the Platforms are interrupted or we are unable to perform the services offered on the Platforms for a continuous period of more than thirty (30) calendar days by reason of a force majeure event, either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement.
Notices/Electronic Communication

For contractual purposes, you consent:

to receiving communications from us in an electronic form via the last email address you have submitted to us; and
that any terms and conditions, agreements, policies, notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you electronically satisfy any legal requirement that such communications would satisfy if they were in writing.

Notice will be deemed given twenty (24) hours after:

the e-mail is sent to the last email address that you have provided to us; or
the notice is posted on the Platform.

All notices to us shall be in writing via the Platform.

Stamp Duty

The Delivery Partner shall bear any stamp duties payable under this Agreement.

Schedule A
Term of Use of Application for Delivery Partners

  1. You will only use the Application to carry out the Delivery Service for their intended and lawful purposes;
  2. You will keep your Account password or any identification we provide you which allows you access to the Application secure and confidential;
  3. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorised use of your Account or any other breach of security;
  4. You will not try to interrupt or harm the Application in any way;
  5. You will not attempt to commercially exploit any part of the Application without our permission, including without limitation modify any of the Application’s content in any way, or copy, reproduce, publicly display, distribute or otherwise use or communicate them for any public or commercial purpose without our permission;
  6. You will not authorise others to use your identity or user status, and you may not assign or otherwise transfer your user account to any other person or entity;
  7. You will provide us with whatever proof of identity or any other documents, permits, licences or approvals which we may reasonably request or require;
  8. You will not use the Application for sending or storing any unlawful material or for fraudulent purposes;
  9. You will not copy, or distribute the content of the Application or other content without written permission from AirAsia;
  10. You will provide accurate, current and complete information as required for the Delivery Service and undertake the responsibility to maintain and update your information in a timely manner to keep it accurate, current and complete at all times during the term of the Agreement. You agree that we may rely on your information as accurate, current and complete. You acknowledge that if your information is untrue, inaccurate, not current or incomplete in any respect, we have the right and option to terminate this Agreement at any time with or without notice;
  11. You will only use an access point or data account which you are authorised to use;
  12. You agree that your use of the Application will be subject to the Privacy Statement;
  13. You will not utilise modified devices or applications with the intent of evading detections or facilitating any activities intended to defraud AirAsia or to disrupt the natural functions of the Application;
  14. You shall not reverse look-up, trace or seek to trace any information on any Users, or any other customer of AirAsia, including without limitation any user account not owned by you, to its source, or exploit the Application or any service or information made available or offered by or through the Application, in any way where the purpose is to reveal any information, including but shall not be limited to personal identification information, other than your own information, as provided for by the Application;
  15. In the course of your performance of the Delivery Service, you acknowledge that AirAsia may disclose Personal Data of other individuals to you and you undertake that you will not use such Personal Data for any other purposes not associated with the performance of the Delivery Service;
  16. Licence Grant and Restrictions

You shall not:

licence, sublicense, sell, transfer, assign, distribute or otherwise commercially exploit or make available to any third party the Application in any way;
modify or make derivative works based on the Application;
“mirror” the Application on any other server or wireless or internet-based device;
except to the extent such restriction is prohibited under applicable law, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer, decrypt or attempt to derive and code or extract software from, this Application or any software or services made available on or through the Application;
use any manual or automated program or script, including but not limited to web spiders, web crawlers, web robots, web ants, web indexers, bots, viruses or worms, or any program which may make multiple server requests per second, (a) to unduly burden or hinder the operation and/or performance of the Application; (b) to conduct data mining or scraping activities, or (c) in any way reproduce or circumvent the navigational structure or presentation of the Application or its content;
post, distribute or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior consent of the owner of such proprietary right;
remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notices contained on the Application or Platform; or
use the Application to: (a) send spam or otherwise duplicative or unsolicited messages; (b) send or store infringing, obscene, threatening, libellous, or otherwise unlawful or tortious material, including but not limited to materials harmful to children or violative of third party privacy rights; (c) send material containing software viruses, worms, trojan horses or other harmful computer code, files, scripts, agents or programs; (d) interfere with or disrupt the integrity or performance of the Application or the data contained therein; (e) attempt to gain unauthorised access to the Application or its related software, systems or networks; (f) impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity; or (g) engage in any conduct that could possibly damage our reputation or amount to being disreputable; and
  1. You agree and acknowledge and accept that a failure to comply with the Term of Use may result in suspension of the Grant of Rights.

Schedule B
Airasia Delivery Partner’s Code Of Conduct

  1. You will not use the Application to cause nuisance or behave in an inappropriate or disrespectful manner towards us, our affiliates or any third party;
  2. You shall not contact Users for purposes other than in connection with the Delivery Service;
  3. You shall ensure that the vehicle must be maintained in good condition and regular inspection must be carried out to ensure that the said vehicle is safe, roadworthy and suitable for its intended use;
  4. You shall comply with all traffic laws and regulations imposed by the relevant authorities from time to time;
  5. You shall only use the vehicle that you have registered in the Application and should not use any other vehicle. Should you are required to use another vehicle for the same account, please contact AirAsiato perform the necessary changes of information;
  6. You are prohibited to consume any alcohol, drugs and/or illegal substances prior to or during the drive;
  7. You are advised to maintain proper decorum and dress appropriately as regulated by Airasia and/or the local authority(ies);
  8. You shall not engage in reckless driving which may pose a risk or threat to the User(s) safety and wellbeing;
  9. You shall provide assistance to the User(s) especially to the less able;
  10. You shall communicate with the User(s) in a polite and non-abusive manner. Any vulgar words or sexual insinuation is strictly prohibited;
  11. Any form of misconduct or sexual harassment is strictly prohibited. AirAsia may lodge a police report against you for any wrongdoing which can be deemed as criminal in nature;
  12. Any form of communication with the User(s) which is personal and unwarranted is strictly prohibited;
  13. You shall respect if the User(s) refuse to communicate and shall respect their decision and avoid making them uncomfortable;
  14. You shall always check with the User(s) if they have left any item(s) or personal belonging(s) behind. Any item(s) found shall be notified and/or returned to the User(s) or to AirAsia;
  15. You shall not engage in job transfer and every accepted job assignment shall be honoured and completed by you;
  16. You shall not practice any form of discrimination towards different religion, race, sexuality, and towards the disabled;
  17. Overcharging User(s) shall be viewed seriously. Fares are to be decided by the rates predetermined by AirAsia. You are not allowed to incur extra chargers to your User(s) unless stated otherwise by AirAsia via its Platform;
  18. You must ensure that face masks are to be worn at all times in order to contain the infection of Covid-19;
  19. AirAsia shall not be responsible for any Delivery Services provided by you for any negligence, misconduct and/or wrongdoing towards the User(s), other road user(s) and/or other third party(ies);
  20. Users and Delivery Partners may be allowed to rate or block each other in respect of the Delivery Services provided;
  21. Every rating will be automatically logged onto AirAsia’s system and AirAsia may analyse all ratings received. AirAsia may take all appropriate actions including suspending your use of the Application for performance of the Delivery Service without any notice or compensation to you; and
  22. You shall comply with any other policies or procedures as may be additionally announced by AirAsia from time to time including not limited to our fraud policies.